
The Word of God

Daily Bread
Take heed, therefore, how you hear." -Luke 8:18"
Morning after morning," the Lord wants to open our ears that we may hear His Word (see Is 50:4).
For the Lord to get His way, we must open ourselves to His word each day by celebrating Mass and/or reading the Bible. This is the first step in receiving daily revelation from the Lord. The second step is to commit ourselves to share whatever the Lord reveals to us. As long as we don't put God's revelation under the bushel basket of fear and selfishness or under the bed of apathy, the Lord will enlighten us daily with His word (see Lk 8:16).
For instance, you will receive some insight, encouragement, nourishment, teaching, clarity, direction, conviction, confirmation, etc. from reading this page and the Scriptures listed on this page. If you give as a gift what has been given to you (Mt 10:8), you will receive more light and strength from God's word. If you don't share it, you can lose even the little you thought you had (Lk 8:18).You can receive daily the life-giving word of God by deciding to expose yourself to the light of God's word and to let that light shine through you. Decide daily for God's word.
Prayer: Father, may Your word be more valuable to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces (Ps 119:72). - " Come Holy Spirit "

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