
Put Our Lady's Words Into Action

Saturday, September 4, 2010 Father Francis Ferry of Donegal, Ireland gave a homily in Medjugorje at St. James Church. Before Mass, he attended a talk given by the visionary Ivan and he spoke about the messages that Ivan had stressed in his testimony.

Father Ferry said, ‘We need to change ourselves first and experience peace through prayer. We need to witness this peace to our families, in our villages and cities, and then the world will change.’ He received his vocation to the priesthood here in Medjugorje while on pilgrimage to this Holy place. He had been away from the Sacraments of the Church for many years.

Father Ferry’s first pilgrimage to Medjugorje was not planned. He had become lost while traveling and ended up here. He knew Our Lady had planned it that way. He was ordained a priest three years ago. Father gave the pilgrims attending Holy Mass some good advice.
Father Francis Ferry, one of many vocations received through a pilgrimage to Medjugorje.
“It is good being in Medjugorje again. This is my twenty-eighth time. My first trip was in 1995. You that have been here fifty times, it means nothing, if you do not listen and put into action Our Lady’s words. It would be better to come once and hear Her message and respond to Her call. Remember, She thanks us for responding to Her call.”

Father was asking the pilgrims to respond concretely to Our Lady. Father Ferry is one of many vocations birthed through Medjugorje. We believe one of thousands; the actual number of vocations that began in Medjugorje may never be known.

Cardinal Schönborn, from Austria once stated, ‘If I was an opponent of Medjugorje, I’d have to close down my seminary, since almost all the candidates have received their call to the priesthood through Medjugorje.’ Yet another testament of the power of what God is doing through Our Lady, here in Medjugorje. Source-Medjugorje Com

1 comment:

  1. Today,September 9, 2010 Medjugorje visionary Ivanka relayed that Our Lady stresses the importance of the Sacrament of Marriage, family prayer, Holy Mass and monthly confession. Ivanka said, ‘The man who wants to change his life must go to confession so his heart can be purified. He must attend Holy Mass and receive Jesus and encounter His Light and Grace through the Eucharist. Do not distance yourselves from Jesus. Open your hearts to Jesus and do not be afraid of the future.’ Ivanka said that she prays daily for the families of the world and she asked for us to pray for our families as well.
    Medjugorje Com
