
Dear Family of Mary

Photo: Courtesy of Pilgrim

September 10, 2010 Dear Family of Mary!

"Dear children! Today I invite you to offer your crosses and suffering for my intentions. Little children, I am your mother and I wish to help you by seeking for you the grace from God. Little children, offer your sufferings as a gift to God so that they may become a most beautiful flower of joy. Therefore little children, pray that you may understand that suffering can become joy, and the cross a way of joy." (September 25, 1996)

I want to share with you a beautiful email I received last night from Amanda. She is a young mother and lives in sparsely populated farm country. She is newly pregnant with her second baby! She shares a recent and beautiful experience of God: "Praise be Jesus! I just wanted to share something with you both to fill your heart with joy! I have been extremely nauseated, dizzy, vomiting - the whole bit - with this pregnancy again, but in (rare) good moments I am so, so grateful for the chance to suffer. 'This is your chance to save souls!' I felt Jesus say to me. Today I finally could lie down and have some silent prayer time, and it was so beautiful. Spiritually, things are so poor right now. There is no daily Mass this week, and even if there was, I can't make most of them because I am too sick. And no adoration has been available for weeks. I haven't had my silent prayer time on a normal basis because I have to sleep when Mariam sleeps. But this prayer time was so very beautiful."First, I felt Mary really tell me she was my Mother. Truly my mother! Then she reminded me that the most important thing in life is prayer -- in whatever form it needs to take for you. Prayer, prayer, prayer. Prayer is our fortress -- our only fortress. The whole world, and its activism, and the flesh and the devil are constantly trying to steal this mysterious jewel away from us. But we must 'Cling to the Rosary as the creeper clings to the tree, for without Our Lady, we cannot stand' as Mother Teresa always said and lived. The only thing that matters in the end is God's holy will in every little event of life. His sacred designs are all that will stand when it is all over."I had given up on praying this. It just seems like a total impossibility. I will go forward with faith and just pray for God's will, and really take up the Rosary with more of my heart." "Offer your sufferings as a gift to God so that they may become a most beautiful flower of joy."In Jesus and Mary! Cathy Nolan

PS. Please pray and offer up whatever you can for Mary TV right now. We have the opportunity to go to Vienna to film and stream an evening with Ivan and Marija in the Cathedral there. It is again a bit undertaking, and we need back up!! Pray, pray, pray!!


  1. I really enjoyed this story, Ed. God makes things so simple for us and we complicate them so much. What could be simpler than giving the Lord whatever's on your plate from one day to another? He even uses our sufferings - what more could we ask? Great post!

  2. Wow, we take so much for granted that we will always have the opportunity to go to holy mass or adoration.

    I like how you used the message of 9/25/96 and mixed it with this beautiful example of suffering love for Jesus. Thank you
