
Rita Klaus’ Miraculous Healing from Multiple Sclerosis

Rita Klaus

Too disabled and poor to go to Medjugorje, Mary gave her a prayer to pray after 20 years of severe disability....
(wonderful 7 min video narrated by Robert Stack)
Multiple sclerosis had forced Rita Klaus first onto crutches, then into braces. Even surgery that turned her right kneecap inward to help her walk didn't stop her slow physical deterioration into paralysis. At first, her spirit had also been paralyzed, with anger and bitterness, but her faith remained strong.

1 comment:

  1. I have had the wonderful opportunity to meet Rita Klaus. My family has been involved with the Medjugorje Peace Conference at the Bren Center in Irvine for many, many years. Her testimony was amazing and so was she.

    Thank you for this post.
