
Life of Fear or Faith

LIFE OF FEAR OR FAITH?"Do not live in fear, little flock." -Luke 12:32

The Lord commands us not to live in fear (Lk 12:32), for we can be slaves our whole lives because of the fear of death (Heb 2:15). The Lord has simply commanded us to not fear anything (Mt 10:31). To escape a life of fear we usually try to avoid fearful situations, but Jesus tells us to sell what we have and give alms (Lk 12:33), actions which would place us in a position needing to trust radically in God. Although this seems to increase our fears rather than allay them, the way to overcome a life of fear is to challenge, not avoid our fears. If we try to control and avoid circumstances, we will always be fearful and victims of circumstances.
However, if we sell what we have and refuse to play it safe, we will find that our heavenly Father knows how to take care of His children. We will be fearless regardless of circumstances. We will have a fearlessness based on God Himself. Even the fearsome events at the end of the world will not trouble us. We will "stand erect and hold our heads high" (Lk 21:28). We will be fearless, for the Lord is our Light and our Salvation; whom shall we fear? (Ps 27:1) Prayer: Father, "though an army encamp against me, my heart will not fear; though war be waged upon me, even then will I trust" in You (Ps 27:3). "Faith is confident assurance concerning what we hope for, and conviction about things we do not see."

1 comment:

  1. A person can be a slave to their fear. But, their is also prudence where one must not be too trusting and avoid certain warnings or signs of danger. Trusting in God is very important.
