
I Have Come to tell the World that God exists.

Words from Medjugorje - "My Son Exists"

On August 2, 2010 Mirjana, one the Medjugorje visionaries released a message from 'Our Lady the Queen of Peace" that seemed to echo the first powerful message given to the Bosnian children in 1981.

In that early message answering the question from the children "Why have you come" Our Lady She Said " I have come to tell the world that God Exists. He is the fullness of life, and to enjoy this fullness and peace, you must return to God'.

1 comment:

  1. Last October, in a talk to pilgrims at Oasis of Peace just outside of Medjugorje, Mirjana revealed that "among other things, that Pope John Paul said to me, 'I know everything, I have been following everything. Ask pilgrims to pray for my intentions. And take good care of Medjugorje because Medjugorje is the hope for the entire world…' ”
