
Apparition to Ivan

Tonight, Friday, August 20, 2010, the apparition to Ivan took place on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje.

Several thousand people were present. Several Rosaries were being prayed throughout the crowd, as is usual for the mountain apparitions. When the announcement came that it was time to begin to prepare for Our Lady’s apparition, flashlights were extinguished, and all the pilgrims present began to sing in unison. The first song that was sung was an Italian version of the American song, “I Can Sing of Your Love Forever,” a beautiful opening to prepare for the Queen of Peace, Who is the Love of God.*
The apparition to Ivan began a little before 10:00 P.M., and the apparition lasted around ten minutes. Below is Ivan’s description of what took place:
*Tonight, the most important from the meeting with Our Lady was that Our Lady came, She was very happy and joyful. She greeted us as always by saying “Praised be Jesus my dear children.” Our Lady then prayed for a longer time with Her hands extended over us present. She then blessed us all with Her Motherly Blessing. She blessed all the religious articles brought for blessing, and then Our Lady prayed for a while especially for the conversion of sinners and for families. Ivan recommended all us, our needs, intentions, our families and especially all the sick, and those who especially recommended themselves to our prayers. Our Lady then continued to pray with Her hands extended over all of use here. She prayed for the sick and She also prayed over the priests present. Then Our Lady left in an illuminated Sign of the Cross saying, "Go in peace my dear children."Ivan accentuated that for a longer time Our Lady prayed over all of us, for conversion of sinners and for families. Source-Medjugorje Com

1 comment:

  1. thank you for the beautiful picture on the hill...how lovely is Our Lady to prayer so long for us.
