
Thy Will be Done on Earth, as it is in Heaven

Thy will be done on earth... as it is in heaven
by bluecross » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:21 pm

I was reading through some messages today about what Our Lady had said about God’s will, both for us and herself. I was especially drawn to two statements that she made about herself coming to Medjugorje as being God’s will. She said:Dear children, By God's will I am here with you in this place… (May 2, 2008) I bless you and I remain with you for as long as it is God's will... (January 25, 1991) This reminded me of the passage from Acts, known as the Wisdom of Gamaliel, where he said: “If this enterprise, this movement of theirs, is of human origin it will break up of its own accord, but if it does in fact come from God you will not only be unable to destroy them, but you might find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5 : 38-39
It is now 29 years since Our Lady first came to Medjugorje. The apparitions continue, the pilgrims still keep arriving, the messages are being spread wide and far, and so many of us have been reconciled with the Church and the Sacraments.Yet, there are some who disparage all these signs and refuse to believe that Our Lady is appearing, refuse to accept that all of what is happening through Our Lady and Medjugorje is because of the will of God and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Can anyone come to God without the action of Holy Spirit, spouse of the Blessed Mother? Even if one was to deny the apparitions then what is prompting people back to faith through Medjugorje?Does God really object to conversions and his people repenting and returning to a sacramental life? Are the conversions and return back to God stemming from Medjugorje something that God finds displeasing?In today’s Gospel reading Jesus asks the crowd “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Then stretching out his hand towards his disciples he said: “Here are my mother and my brothers. Anyone who does the will of Father in heaven, he is my brother and sister and mother.”So when Our Lady thanks us for responding to her call, she is thanking us for responding to the will of God, just as she did when she received the message from Gabriel, just as she does now: “Dear children, By God's will I am here with you in this place…”
http://www.crownofstars.blogspot.com/ http://www.youtube.com/gospa2000

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