
Pray for Priests

Pray for priests. There is no confession without the priest. It is God himself who forgives sins through the priest. The priest is the sign that God has not abandoned his people. We need holy priests. Pray for your confessor. Fr. Jozo Zovko ofm
Pray for priests. Love them. Support them. Help them to be holy. We are weak and fragile. If your knees are not bent in prayer for us, we stumble and fall. We need your prayer. Fr Jozo Zovko ofm
A priest is not born of an angel but of a mother. He is chosen from amongst the people, is anointed with the Sacrament of Priesthood and returned back to the people,to the Church – into their care, their prayer and their love. The priest is a sign of the omnipotence of our God. Pray for priests. Love them. Support them. Help them to be holy. We are weak and fragile. If your knees are not bent in prayer for us, we stumble and fall. We need your prayer.” - Fr. Jozo Zovko ofm
Could you find in your heart to adopt a priest and pray for him daily?

Fr. Jozo pictured on right
with Fr. Ed Sousa Jr.



    Could you find in your heart to adopt a priest and pray for him daily?

    In a letter Benedict XVI expressed his satisfaction for the campaign for Eucharistic adoration and spiritual "maternity" for the sanctification of the world's priests. The campaign calls especially for "women consecrated" to spiritually adopt priests to help them, through their self-offering, prayer, and penance.

    It is hoped that through this initiative there will rise up to God from every corner of the earth an incessant prayer of adoration, thanksgiving, praise, supplication and reparation, so as to give rise to a sufficient number of holy vocations to the priesthood.

  2. I did, I will, I have.
    Blessings to you and my US "missionary" priest :-)
