
Our Lady's Message of May 2, 2010

Our Lady’s Medjurorje message of May 2, 2010 Given to Mirjana.

“Dear children; Today, through me, the good Father calls you to, with your soul filled with love, set out on a spiritual visitation. Dear children, be filled with grace, sincerely repent for your sins and yearn for the good. Yearn also in the name of those who have not come to know the perfection of the good. You will be more pleasing to God. Thank you.”


  1. Great message!
    Ed, I know that you don't live too far from me, have you heard of Father Ralph DiOrio? I went to a healing service last night and was healed of a disease called Myasthenia Gravis! I was so excited that I had to share the news! Praise God! I feel like a new person :)

  2. Oh and the blog thief strikes again and I'm going to link this post :) God bless you!

  3. Mary, That is exciting! Praise the Lord.
    I know of Fr. DiOrio and have heard much about him. He has a wonderful healing misistry.

  4. I thought you might have heard of him! What a gift God has given him :)
