
You Are a Priest Forever. To All Our Priests, Thank You


ohiopadre Today, Holy Thursday, my brother priests and I commemorate the institution of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the establishment of the Sacred Priesthood. Thank you for this video. I was moved to tears watching as I know my brother priests will be that I share this video with. God bless you. 2 weeks ago

AndreKnepp Each time I assist at Mass, I feel the awesome power of the priestly sacrifice and generosity of their love for God and for us !They literally bring Jesus to us in the Mass and in the Confessional! That is truly humble and faithful service to our mighty, tender and loving God! We thank the O Lord for our priests! May they always burn with unquenchable love of You and generate that same love in those whom You give them to serve in your Name!! 3 months ago

djdw2008 This is a beautiful video in honor of the holy priesthood ~ Thanks be to God for the gift of Ordination and for holy priests...Thank you, Margie, for this beautiful tribute. 4 months ago

Pennycake Beautiful video and song! I came across it at spiritualmotherhoodforpriests [dot] blogspot [dot] com/2009/10/you-are-priest-forever-song-and-clip [dot] html

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