
Singer David Parks Healed in Medjugorje

Singer speaks about visit to Medjugorje
By Yadira Betances

David Parkes is the son of a band leader and trumpet player. He was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 1977 and after 13 years of fighting the disease and going through 13 operations, doctors told him there was no hope.

While at Medjugorje with his wife, Anne, he was cured at a healing service. Parkes has since dedicated his life to spreading the message of Medjugorje and God's healing.
Medjugorje, located in Bosnia and Herzegovina, has become well known because the Blessed Virgin Mary has been appearing to six young people since June 24, 1981 with a message of peace, love, faith, conversion, prayer, and fasting. The site was in Yugoslavia at the time.
Every year, thousands of faithful flock to the town seeking healing.


  1. That's awesome! I'd sure like to visit Medjugorje some day. To not have to search for people that want to talk about Jesus would be great. Then again, perhaps we won't need to go to Medjugorje because I think the Lord is going to step in and make a lot of changes around here :)

  2. Mary,
    No one goes to Medjugorje by accident or coincidence and if you truely have a desire to go there it is a call from Our Lady and she will find a way for you to go.
