
Fr. Slavko's Prayer to the Holy Spirit

God, our Father, we thank You for Your love, we recognize You today as Our God, our Creator. We thank You for our life, for the lives of our parents and all the people whom we have met, and those whom we have yet to meet. Along with Mary we ask You, give us the grace that we may, through prayer and sacrifice, prepare ourselves for the Coming of Your Holy Spirit.

Give the strength that we may be freed of all that which at this moment hinders us from being open to Him, Your Holy Spirit. Lord, we bring before You our entire life, all that which is deformed inside us, all that is bad within us, all that is dark and injured, and we beg You, come and heal us, through You Holy Spirit. And we beg You forgiveness that we were often fearful of You, that we often distrusted You, and did not allow You to transform and to change us. Prepare our heart so that we may recognize Your plan through the Holy Spirit, that we may listen for Your word, and that we may then live it. Send into our heart your Spirit of Truth, that we may recognize You, our true God, and that we may allow ourselves to be led by the Holy Spirit on Your path to Eternal Life.

Lord, we beg You, send Your Spirit of Truth and Love into the hearts of all those who are responsible in the Holy Church, and in the world. Send Your Holy Spirit into the hearts of those who, at this moment, are resisting You, who still distrust You, and change their hearts. Send the Spirit of Love into the hearts of those who hate, send the Spirit of Strength into the hearts of those who have become enslaved by sin, so that we, as Your Children, may come to be able to love in freedom and in love.
Give us the grace that we may come to understand the message that the Mother of Your Son Jesus Christ has given us through Her, and that we all may come to live better lives with the strength of Your Spirit. Bless us and heal us, and bless all those who have ever asked for our prayers, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Slavko of Medjugorje.......Medjugorje; May 28, 1998


  1. Our Lady's Message of May 25, 2009
    "Dear children! In this time, I call you all to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon every baptized creature, so that the Holy Spirit may renew you all and lead you on the way of witnessing your faith – you and all those who are far from God and His love. I am with you and intercede for you before the Most High. Thank you for having responded to my call."

  2. What a wonderful prayer that all of us can use this day and everyday of our lives. COME HOLY SPIRIT, come by the means of the IManculate Heart of Mary your will beloved spouse.
    A servant of Jesus and Mary

  3. Very beautiful prayer indeed and we need that prayer right now for ourselves and the whole world. Come Holy Spirit come and set our hearts on fire with Your gifts for us!!!

  4. Father Slavko: You are blessed, for being inspire to write such a moving and symbolical prayer. I know it is wonderful to be inspired by the Holy Spirit. My soul responded to the manifestation of the Holy Ghost My God bless you with His merciful Love. I write Mystical poetry and also I Speak in Tongue of the Holy Spirit. May God keep you in His Grace.

    Adela Alvarez
