
Fr. Peter Rookey-Healing Ministry

Father Peter Rookey Being 92 years old, he does not travel much anymore. He does take phone calls if you want him to pray for you over the phone. The phone number is 708-748-MARY.
Phone: 708-748-6279--Fax: 708-748-0234
Fr. Rookey Address is,
International Compassion Ministry Servite FR. Peter M. Rookey Our Lady of Sorrowa 3121 W. Jackson Blvd.Chicago, IL 60612


  1. With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible´ (Mt 19:26)" - Father Peter Mary Rookey, O.S.M.

    The healing priest, Father Peter Mary Rookey, O.S.M, received Christ´s Gift of Healing in 1948. Since then, thousands of healings have been reported worldwide. Witness letters, some with medical consensus, have been submitted to the International Compassion Ministry.
    When asked about the healings, Father Rookey simply says, "I just do what He told us to do and the people are delivered and healed. We are answering the last command of Jesus,´ . . . They shall lay their hands upon the sick, and they shall recover´ (Mk 16:18).

  2. i called Fr.
    today to pray as i have been fired from my job. Fr. will pray for me. "one window closes a door opens.."

  3. I am so amazed that when you call, Fr. Rookey himself still often answers the phone! I think he will be 97 this year. A testament to God's miracles.

  4. Dear Father Rookey, My mother had 8 children, she was very devoted to Our Lady Of Sorrows, she named My sister Maureen Delores after Her. My son is only just turned 40 and he has stage IV lung cancer, he is an Assistant States Attorney in Cook County and is the father of two beautiful baby girls ages 3 and 1 yrs old. Could you implore Jesus to spare him and cure his cancer, you are my only hope. My mother consecrated all of us to the Blessed Virgin at Our Lady Of Sorrows Basilica, pease ask the Blessed Virgin to Ask God in the name of His Son Jesus Christ to cure My Brian. Sincerely, Mrs Thomasina Volkman, my son's name is Brian Volkman
