
A reflection by Sr. Isabel

In the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, we are in "Ordinary Time." Ordinary time — Our Lady invites us to use it well and to focus on our personal prayer. In many places the winter weather keeps people at home more than in the summer time when the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. This is an excellent opportunity to read the Scriptures more, to pray the Rosary, to go to daily Mass and to spend time with the Lord in praise and intercession. If we get into the habit of praying daily, at a specific time and for a certain period of time, when the summer weather comes, we will continue to do so, knowing the fruits of our prayer.
Our faith will grow and deepen and we will bear witness to it by the very lives we live. “See how these Christians love one another” from the Acts of the Apostles, should be heard in our neighborhoods and cities today. Our Lady promises to be with us and to inspire us. She is a wonderful mother who desires us to draw closer to her Son, Jesus. If we ask her, she will be with us in our prayer time. The Holy Spirit will be our guide, if we invite the Holy Spirit into our hearts and allow Him to change us. Let us praise God and thank Him for His deep love and mercy.

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