
Our Lady's Message given to Ivan

Given yesterday in Podbrdo to Ivan on December 8, 2009- Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

My dear children, my little children! Even today the Mother loves you with her motherly love and desire, dear children, that in this time of grace, open your hearts so that the light of my Son, the light of the birth of my son come into your heart, enlighten your hearts, your souls and make them happy. I call you especially, dear children, pray for the families, pray for holiness in the family in this time. Even today, dear children, I want to say thank you because you welcomed me, you have accepted my messages and live my messages.

1 comment:

  1. ".....this is the time of grace"....such beautiful words. May we all come with arms outstretched to receive this grace. Dear Mother, don't let us waste one ounce.

    Thank you Ed for these updates.
