
Doubt and do Without.

DOUBT AND DO WITHOUT" Now you will be mute — unable to speak — until the day these things take place, because you have not trusted my words." —Luke 1:20

We see many people who are spiritually deaf and dumb. The Lord has repeatedly proclaimed His love for them and warned them, but still they waltz into Christmas as if there were no Christ, no sin, no salvation, no meaning to life, and no eternal life. These people are spiritually deaf. Many others, even Christians, are spiritually dumb.

They can talk about anything but Jesus. Christ is the only One given the "silent treatment" at Christmas, although Christmas is intended to celebrate His birthday. Although it's rather easy to recognize spiritual deafness and dumbness in others, people may be noticing it in us.

To be freed from this condition, we must find the cause of it. Possibly the cause of our spiritual deafness and dumbness is the same as the cause of Zechariah's physical deafness and dumbness. Because Zechariah doubted the angel's message, he was struck deaf and dumb (Lk 1:18ff). He was healed when he showed faith in the angel's message by naming his child John (Lk 1:63-64).
Have we succumbed to temptations to doubt? Have we let ourselves be infected by the skepticism of our secular culture? Is doubt the cause of our unwillingness to hear God and our inability to speak up for Him? Repent of doubt and watch what other areas of your life are transformed. Father, may I not persist in my "unbelief, but believe" (Jn 20:27).

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