
Dear Family of Mary

November 9, 2009The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
Dear Family of Mary!

"Today I invite you to offer your crosses and sufferings for my intentions --- Little children, offer your sufferings as a gift to God so that they may become a most beautiful flower of joy. Therefore, little children, pray that you may understand that suffering can become joy, and the cross a way of joy." (September 25, 1996)

Last night Denis received an unexpected phone call from Mary Jo Chenevert. Mary Jo loves Our Lady of Medjugorje. She has made several trips to Medjugorje. She had an beautiful experience with Pope John Paul II in 1993. She went to Rome with a group that was scheduled to meet with him, but the Holy Father broke his collar bone and the meetings were cancelled. Mary Jo felt that the Lord wanted her to meet the Holy Father and talk to him about Medjugorje and so she held out hope. Finally, just before leaving Rome, her group was admitted to a meeting with the Pope.Mary Joe said that Pope John Paul II was suffering from his injury, but that he greeted everyone. When he greeted her, he traced the Sign of the Cross on her forehead. She was very moved, and forgot to say anything about Medjugorje, but as he walked away she held out some Rosaries that she had brought from Medjugorje to give to him. She blurted out, "They are from Medjugorje!" The Holy Father turned around smiling, and came back to her and said, "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" Mary Joe answered, "But, most Holy Father, I am only one person!" He answered, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!" As he walked on, he kissed the Rosaries. (Mary Jo's witness appears in Medjugorje and the Church, by Sr. Emmanuel and Denis Nolan, 1995, paraphrased here.) "Do everything you can to protect Medjugorje!" These words have since taken on a new meaning for Mary Jo. She has fallen very ill. She can no longer travel to Medjugorje, or even go to daily Mass. She is suffering. But she told Denis that she is offering up her suffering for Medjugorje. She is acting as a human shield for Medjugorje in the spiritual battle that is raging in the heavens. Indeed, one person can do a great deal in spiritual warfare, because we can offer our sufferings for the sake of souls, and win much ground for God's plan. Medjugorje is God's plan for the salvation of the world in these days. Medjugorje is renewing the Church, drawing her children back to the faith by the millions. The enemy is enraged against Medjugorje. Our Lady needs prayer warriors like Mary Jo who will pray for her intentions in Medjugorje. It is critical at this time that we respond to Our Lady's call. Let's pray for Mary Jo, that she can persevere in her intercession, and that the Lord will heal her. Thank you, Mary Jo, for your response to Our Lady's call. You teach us a great deal by your witness. Maybe Our Holy Father is speaking to all of us now, "Pray for the protection of Medjugorje!"

In Jesus and Mary!Cathy Nolan
Mary TV

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