
Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Mirjana of November 2, 2009

Dear children,
Also today I am among you to point you to the way that will help you to come to know God’s love, the love of God who permitted you to call him Father and to perceive him as Father.
I ask of you to sincerely look into your hearts and to see how much you love him. Is he the last to be loved? Surrounded by material goods, how many times have you betrayed, denied and forgotten him?
My children, do not deceive yourselves with worldly goods. Think of your soul because it is more important than the body; cleanse it. Invoke the Father, he is waiting for you. Come back to him. I am with you because he, in his mercy, sends me. Thank you. November 2, 2009

1 comment:

  1. How can this statement not send you running to Our Father..."Invoke the Father, he is waiting for you. Come back to him." I love it. Thanks for all the messages.
