
Let the Word of Christ dwell in You.

A LIFESTYLE IN GOD'S WORD"Let the word of Christ, rich as it is, dwell in you." —Colossians 3:16 To let the word of Christ dwell in you, do the following:
* Devour God's word; let it become your happiness and joy (Jer 15:16). * Study it daily (Acts 17:11) and allow it to burn in your heart (Lk 24:32). * Savor God's word. Let it become to you more precious than riches and sweeter than honey (Ps 119:72, 103). * Allow God's word to judge (Jn 12:48), pierce (Heb 4:12), and change you. * Abide in God's word (Jn 8:31) and let it abide in you (Col 3:16). Spend your best time and your spare time in the word. * "Humbly welcome the word that has taken root in you, with its power to save you. Act on this word" (Jas 1:21-22).
* Let God's word fill your heart, mind, and soul to the point that your native language is "Scripture" (Ps 119:13; Lk 6:45). * Teach the word of God to others (2 Tm 4:2). Let the word of Christ dwell in you so "the word of God [will continue] to spread and increase" (Acts 12:24). Jesus, open my mind to the understanding of Your word (Lk 24:45). "In Your word I hope" (Ps 119:114). Be filled with the Spirit of the Lord and his Word.

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