
Cardinal Schonborn of Vienna welcomes Medjugorje seer

On September 15th, St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria, welcomed the visionary, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. The Cathedral, packed with people, hosted a beautiful evening which included Holy Mass and Eucharistic Adoration. It lasted from 4pm to 9:30pm! At the end of the evening a very powerful and happy surprise came when Cardinal Schönborn gave the final benediction to the whole assembly.

Afterward, he highlighted the importance of Medjugorje for our times. He told of the graces of liberation obtained in Medjugorje. In particular he featured stories about addictions (drug, alcohol, etc) and the graces that come to those who participate in the life of the Church.
Here are a few words from the Cardinal: “We can give thanks to Our Lord because through His mother, so many people are lead to the Love of God, so many conversions happen, people go back to Confession and they develop a love for the Eucharist. Reconciliations happen in families, and some people are cured from drug and other types of addictions. The fact that the mother of God wishes to be so close to all her children is an immense gift. She has already showed this proximity in many places and for many years in a special way in Medjugorje.”


  1. This is good, but why did the Cardianl Schonborn forbid the auxillary bishop to attend the pro-life march? See today's Lifesite.net

  2. I don't know what his reason was Teresa. But I would like to know.
