
Our Lady's Message to Ivan

Tonight in Medjugorje Our Lady Gives An Important Message at the Blue Cross.
With many thousands of pilgrims present, Our Lady uncharacteristically gives a special long message.


The sunset over Cross Mountain, as seen from Apparitoin Hill, tonight, August 28, 2009.

Temperatures were extremely hot in Medjugorje today, but even so, there were those who climbed the mountains during the heat of the day, willing to offer this sacrifice to Our Lady for Her intentions as well as their own. Early evening dark clouds floated toward Medjugorje eventually covering the village making the sky overcast for the rest of the night, so there were no stars seen above as many thousands of pilgrims gathered at the Blue Cross for Our Lady’s apparition tonight to Ivan. Many were thankful that the clouds did not bring rain, while others would have been thankful for a cool sprinkle of rain on this hot sultry evening.

The summer crowds are still here in Medjugorje. The areas all around the Blue Cross were packed with pilgrims and they continued to arrive up until just moments before Our Lady appeared, causing confusion and disruption with their flashlights and talking as they tried to find even the smallest open space to settle down in. Despite the inconveniences of being shoulder to shoulder in such a large crowd, in the darkness, sitting on uncomfortable stones and the dusty ground, on a hot summer night in Medjugorje, the realization hits suddenly that all these people are here for a single purpose, to be with Our Lady—out of love for Her, wanting conversion or a grace for a loved one or an answer to prayer—but all have come tonight to be with Our Lady. To Our Lady the large numbers of pilgrims bring great joy and typically, just as She came tonight, Our Lady demonstrates Her joy in the apparitions when She appears to Ivan on Apparition Mountain. Though Our Lady’s apparition tonight was shorter than normal, being just over five minutes, the length and depth of Our Lady’s message given tonight to Ivan was a surprise. Following is Ivan’s description of tonight’s apparition.

“Tonight, most important from the meeting with Our Lady is that Our Lady came joyful and happy and, at the beginning, as always, greeted all of us with Her motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children, my little children.” Then, with Her hands extended for a while, She prayed over us here and then She prayed for the sick present. She then blessed us all with Her motherly blessing and then blessed all the articles you brought for blessing. Afterwards She said:

**“Dear children, also today, I call you in a special way: accept my messages, renew my messages. Dear children, today, more than ever, I need your works and not your words. Therefore, dear children, live my messages so that light may illuminate your hearts and fill your hearts. Dear children, know that the Mother is praying with you. Thank you, also today dear children, for having accepted my messages and for living my messages. Pray [to be] my sign.”

Then I prayed an Our Father and a Glory Be with Our Lady. I then recommended all of you, your needs, your intentions and your families and especially the sick. Then Our Lady left, in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children.”

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