
Medjugorje: Our Lady's Message to Miriana

Our Lady Queen of Peace of Medjugorje’s August 2, 2009 MessageTo Mirjana Soldo Given on the Day for Non-Believers“

*Dear children, I am coming, with my Motherly love, to point out the way by which you are to set out, in order that you may be all the more like my Son; and by that, closer to and more pleasing to God. Do not refuse my love. Do not renounce salvation and eternal life for the sake of transience and frivolity of this life. I am coming to lead you and, as a mother, to caution you.- Come with me.”
Mirjana reported that Our Lady appeared with the sun shining behind her during the entire apparition. At the same time, thousands of onlookers also reported seeing what is commonly called the miracle of the sun, where a person can look directly at the sun without any discomfort.

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