
The Vision Sister Briege McKenna Recieved in 1981

The vision that Sr. Briege McKenna got for Fr. Tomislav Vlasic during a conference in Rome one month before the apparitions in Medjugorje began. Sr. Briege saw a white church with two towers -- and inside the church she saw Fr. Tomislav sitting in the chair of the main celebrant. Living water was flowing from the chair, thousands of people came and drank from the water, and then hurried outside to bring their friends, too.
Neither Sr. Briege nor Fr. Tomislav could identify the church, but only four months later Fr. Tomislav was assistant pastor of Medjugorje, immediately recognizing the church of Sr. Briege's vision when he first saw St. James Church.


  1. And still there are those who do not believe in Medjugorje! I have been there thrice and the second time I went in 2000, I honestly felt our Blessed Mother place upon my heart the need to pray for priests. I have been doing so ever since and encourage others to do so and this year... YEAR FOR PRIESTS was announced! Please pray for them in earnest.
    God bless

  2. Fr Tomislav Vlasic has been kicked out of the Franciscans and defrocked, for grave sins of a sexual nature and severe disobedience to Church authority. The previous and current Bishops of Medjugorje have stated that Vlasic and another now-defrocked priest "created" the Medjugorje phenomenon (shortly after returning from his encounter with Sr Briege Mckenna) by training the young people who became the visionaries in questionable Charismatic practices and being their spiritual directors. There is scandal and cause for concern here. Fortunately, the status of Medjugorje is currently being considered by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and let us pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this commission and that it may resolve the deeply confusing aspects of the events of Medjugorje, which has led many sincere and good people to fuller and more devout practice of the Faith, and at the same time has extremely troubling aspects.

    Here is the July 29 2009 declaration of laicization of Fr Tomislav Vlasic which also prohibits him making any form of apostolate whatsoever and from any public declarations about Medjugorje:

    (That whole website consists of documents from official Church sources about Medjugorje and is extremely interesting, one of the best sources of authentic information about Medjugorje)
