
The Third Commandment

THE THIRD COMMANDMENT" Remember to keep holy the sabbath day." —Exodus 20:8 The Lord commanded us to remember to keep holy the new covenant's sabbath, that is, Sunday. Do you remember? Is the whole day set apart as special? Or do you just go to church on Sunday? If Jesus isn't "Lord of the sabbath" (see Mk 2:28), then He's not Lord of your life. If He's not Lord of all, He's not Lord at all. The Lord's word about the Lord's day for many people has fallen on the footpath. We don't understand what God has sown in our minds, so the devil comes to steal it away (Mt 13:19). Some of us used to observe the Lord's day. In fact, it was the most joyous day of the week. However, we gave all that up as our society changed. We had no roots. Some still believe in keeping Sunday holy; nonetheless, the pressures of work, the lure of shopping centers, and the spell of television (especially pro football) have choked it off. However, there are a few, a remnant, who obey the third commandment, and they will bear fruit "a hundred — or sixty — or thirtyfold" (Mt 13:23). Let those who have ears, hear (Mt 13:9).

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