
What is the Holy Spirit Saying


Ralph Martin recalls a meeting with John Paul II Because of my role in lay renewal movements I have had many opportunities to be with the Pope over the years and it has always been a source of inspiration and strength. I recall in the mid - 1990s, a very special moment after a morning Mass celebrated by the Pope in his private chapel. I had the opportunity to give him a copy of a new book I had written, The Catholic Church at the End of the Age: What is the Spirit Saying? The Pope took it, looked at the cover and said "I've already read it." And then he asked me:"What is the Spirit saying to the Church today?" I knew he didn't want the whole 300 page answer and I felt that the Spirit gave me one word to say in response to his question. "Holy Father I think what the Spirit is saying to the Church today is 'Jesus.'" He took my hand and simply said in response, "Jesus." It wasn't a question or even a statement, but seemed to be a prayer an affirmation, a cry a hope. And then I simply said in response, "Jesus." And then he said again, "Jesus." And for a few minutes we stood there together holding hands, saying the holy name of Jesus together in adoration, in thanksgiving, in communion, in proclamation, in intercession. Thanks be to God for the ministry of Pope John Paul II. May we continue to plumb the depths of the direction in which he has pointed us!
This account appeared in the March/April 2003 edition of Good News

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