
Medjugorje: The Holy Mass must be in the first place in your lives.

Excerpt from visionary Marija Lunetti’s talk in Medjugorje on June 23, 2009

All you who have been invited to come here to Medjugorje are invited to go to Confession. Through Holy Confession Our Lady invited us to attend Holy Mass. And without Confession, we are not ready to attend Holy Mass. There are many people who think that instead of attending Holy Mass they can instead visit somebody who is lonely or sick, or maybe do good deeds, but Our Lady says you cannot exchange with anything the Holy Mass.
Holy Mass must be in the first place in your lives and, if it is possible, Our Lady wants us to attend Holy Mass everyday. I recall what the first Christians said: “Without Holy Mass it is impossible to live.” So Our Lady wants us to attend Holy Mass and to let the Holy Spirit guide us so that afterwards we are able to do good deeds.

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