
Interview with Little Audrey Santo's Mother


*Interview with Audrey's Mother begins at 7 minutes and 25 seconds into the program.
Little Audrey Santo of Worcester, Massachusetts passed away on April 14, 2007. According to Little Audrey’s official website (http://www.littleaudreysanto.org/), she has been declared a Servant of God and the cause for her canonization has begun. Father John Foley, a priest of the Diocese of Worcester, served as Little Audrey’s pastor, and is the President of the Foundation. Numerous miracles have been associated with Little Audrey. It has also been claimed that Audrey sometimes bore the stigmata. The observed experiences in Audrey’s home included icons weeping blood or oil, a bleeding statue of Jesus, consecrated hosts bleeding, blood appearing spontaneously in a tabernacle, and others miracles as well. Many miraculous healings were attributed to Audrey as well. Many people with various diseases or injuries claim to have been cured either by visiting Audrey’s house or by intercessory prayer offered by others at Audrey’s house.


  1. Little Audrey was and is an angel among us. Having had the opportunity to be at her chapel (home) and one year to celebrate at church in the summer.
    You knew you were in true :holiness and the pure love if God, whenever she was nearby.
    Her intercession helped us many times over..
    I hope to live long enough to see her attain "Sainthood" as we are dure she will.
    Blessings always to all of those with continued faith and love.

  2. Thank you Sue for your comment. I to had the opportunity to be at her chapel home.
    She is now with Our Lord and she is praying for all of us.
