
Our Lady's Medjugorje message of May 25, 2009--Pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit.

Message of May 25, 2009
Dear children! In this time, I call you all to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit upon every baptized creature, so that the Holy Spirit may renew you all and lead you on the way of witnessing your faith – you and all those who are far from God and His love. I am with you and intercede for you before the Most High. Thank you for having responded to my call.

*A Reflection (by Sr. Isabel)*
There is a time and a season for everything. This is the time and the season during which we pray for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Our Lady invites us to pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit anew in the life of every baptized person. We received the Holy Spirit at our baptism and were strengthened in the Holy Spirit at our Confirmation. But, every day we need new strength and new wisdom of the Holy Spirit. With Pentecost on Sunday, we have time to pray fervently for the gifts of the Holy Spirit that we need to be the witnesses of our faith in our daily lives. We probably won't be called to any heroic kind of witness such as martyrdom, but we are called daily to live our lives in such a way that we radiate the Holy Spirit. Our Lady is the Spouse of the Holy Spirit and the Help of all Christians. If we ask her, she will intercede for us and assist us in responding to the Holy Spirit each day..

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