
May is the month of The Blessed Mother

Oh! Jesus, this week Your church celebrates another feast day of our mother Mary. Our Lady of Fatima. Jesus, thank You for mom, and her special care for all of us. Let us honor her with the rosary, and novenas. Mom is always asking us to come closer to You, and so grow in love and care for others. Jesus, help us to always see others with Your eyes, and help us not judge, but rather just be doers of the word. Let us love and give, since all we have is gifts from You. Please Christ, bring us to Your Eucharist so that we may die to self, and come more alive in, to and through You. Thank You for our mother Mary. Amen and Amen. Thank you Lord, for loving us totally.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Mother's Day to your beautiful wife Ed. I also ask our beautiful heavenly Mother to bring you special graces for all you do.
