
In Memory of Ashley & Billy Streiter, by her best friend Caitlin Dwyre.

In Memory of Ashley and Billy Streiter who were both killed by a drunk driver on April 5, 2003.
I had an assignment for one of my tech classes to create a digital story about what inspired me to become a teacher. The sole inspiration was my best friend Ashley. This story is just a short look at our lifelong friendship and the strength that she has left me.
Remembering Ashley http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94uf3AvKkCA
For the girls In honor of Ashley's would-be 25th! Our moms introduced us to each other when we were still in diapers. She liked to play with Barbie, and I liked to play with He-man; she made me have tea parties, and I made her roam through the woods...but somehow we got along! In those early days, we were always the "3 Musketeers" with Caitlin. Gradually throughout grammar school and high school, our group of girlfriends grew. On April 5th, 2003, Ashley and her brother were hit and killed in their car by a drunk driver going over 100 mph on the Garden State Parkway. We miss them terribly, but we are pressing on =) ... Think before you drink!

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