
Forgiveness and Greatness

The church that is in Babylon, chosen together with you, sends you greetings, as does Mark my son. Greet one another with the embrace of true love. Peace." —1 Peter 5:13-14

John Mark quit the first missionary journey (Acts 13:13). It may have been the biggest mistake he'd ever made. When he realized his mistake, he asked Paul to give him a second chance and take him on the second mission.

"But Paul insisted that, as he had deserted them at Pamphylia, refusing to join them on that mission, he was not fit to be taken along now. Surely it hurt Mark to be called "unfit" for ministry. ( Barnabas, Mark's cousin, also took offense at Paul's evaluation of Mark. "The disagreement which ensued was so sharp that the two separated.

Barnabas took Mark along with him and sailed for Cyprus. Paul and John Mark could have gone through life and even through death bitter and unforgiving toward each other. But the good news is that they reconciled. Paul later tells Timothy: "Get Mark and bring him with you, for he can be of great service to me.

Mark, once "unfit," is now considered "of great service."Instead of bitterness and unforgiveness, Paul had a love for Mark which prompted him to command the Colossians to make Mark welcome. Paul, the great missionary and apostle, and Mark, the earliest Gospel-writer, were among the most important people in human history. But this would never have happened if they hadn't forgiven each other.

Father, I have decided to accept Your grace to forgive everyone for everything immediately.

Feast of St Mark, Evangelist
And Jesus said to them, “Go out to the whole world; proclaim the Good News to all creation.” Mark 16 : 16
Dear Children! Today I invite all of you who have heard my message of peace to realise it with seriousness and with love in your life. There are many who think that they are doing a lot by talking about the messages, but do not live them.
Dear children, I invite you to life and to change all the negative in you, so that it all turns into the positive and life. Dear children, I am with you and I desire to help each of you to live and by living, to witness the Good News. I am here, dear children, to help you and to lead you to heaven, and in heaven is the joy through which you can already live heaven now. Thank you for having responded to my call!--Our Lady's Medjugorje message of May 25, 1991
Posted by pilgrim

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