
What Shall I Do ?

Billboard in Florida

What Shall I Do?
By June Klins
In the January 25th message Our Lady answered a question many people have wondered about – why She has been with us so long. She answered, "I am with you for this long because you are on the wrong path." Wow! That was the fourth month in a row that She admonished us. In December She said, "You are running, working, gathering - but without blessing. You are not praying!” In November She called our world a "turbulent world without hope." In October She described the world as "further from God every day, and which puts itself in the place of God and is destroying everything that is beautiful and good in the souls of each of you."

Our Lady must be so very sad that many are not listening or heeding Her messages. On that same day, January 25th, the Conversion of St. Paul, the second reading at Mass was from Acts 22, which was one of St. Paul’s conversion accounts. In this account, after Jesus says," I am Jesus the Nazorean whom you are persecuting," St. Paul says, "'What shall I do?" And that was what my pastor's homily centered on, those four little words, “What shall I do?”.

Our Lady needs our help. We need to ask, "What shall I do?" These are critical times. She is not joking. She has asked us on a number of occasions to form prayer groups. “Prayer groups are powerful,” She said on June 25, 2004. Your family can be a prayer group. There are prayer groups that meet in a church; there are prayer groups that meet in homes. There are even internet prayer groups. One of our subscribers even began a prayer group at work about a year and a half ago. They meet once a week in an office and pray. He said that since they began doing this, there has been only one accident in their building, which in his words is “unheard of” in his industry. (I think one of the benefits of belonging to a prayer group is that when the chastisements begin, we will have each other for support.)

WE are also called to SPREAD the messages. One of our subscribers from Florida had a billboard put up with a picture of Our Lady that said: "I have come to tell the world that God exists." She has also had bumper stickers made with the same message. There are many ways to spread the messages. Many of you already do this, by sharing your newsletters with others. Many have sent a gift subscription to someone. Some have sent for our books and then shared them with people or donated to a library. If you have a creative way to spread the messages that you would like to share with our readers, please contact us. info@spiritofmedjugorje.org

Let us each ask, "What shall I do?" and then JUST DO IT!

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