
Our Lady's Medjugorje Message to Mirjana of March 2, 2009

Dear children, I am here among you. I am looking into your wounded and restless hearts. You have become lost, my children. Your wounds from sin are becoming greater and greater and are distancing you all the more from the real truth. You are seeking hope and consolation in the wrong places, while I am offering to you sincere devotion which is nurtured by love, sacrifice and truth. I am giving you my Son. March 2, 2009


  1. Our Lady's Messages to us are becoming more and more serious.
    It would be well for us if we would only open are ears and listen, and open our eyes and see.

  2. To be more aware of some of the sins that we, as humans, are committing, I want to point out that Jesus King of All Nations in an October, 2008 discussion with His seer(s) said that we should be mindful of our sins of lust, enticements of the eyes, and pretentiousness. I found this information very helpful in my personal life as my attempts to avoid such sins are rewarded with additional personal peace.
