
Our Lady's Medjugorje message to Mirjana.

Message given to Mirjana, January 2
While great heavenly grace is being lavished upon you, your hearts remain hard and without response. My children, why do you not give me your hearts completely? I only desire to put in them peace and salvation – my Son. With my Son your soul will be directed to noble goals and you will never get lost. Even in greatest darkness you will find the way. My children decide for a new life with the name of my Son on your lips. Thank you. January 2, 2008•

In the early days of the apparitions; the visionaries were always being requested by pilgrims and priests to ask Our Lady this or that... and often Our Lady would respond in a positive manner. But sometimes she would choose not to answer questions asked out of curiosity.Now it is Our Lady asking us the question, not out curiosity but with concern for our soul: My children, why do you not give me your hearts completely? This is a very serious and direct question by Our Blessed Mother. It’s a searching question that penetrates deep into the soul. With this question can come pain because we are being truly confronted by our Mother. These are no sweet and sugary words.How we choose to absorb this question is an individual decision. But we should recognise that the question is a call to surrender and conversion.Our Lady is waiting to hear our heart say: “I am the handmaid of the Lord, let what you have said be done unto me.” She seeks our complete surrender to God. And until we do completely surrender, Our Lady’s question: Why do you not give me your hearts completely? will not go away.
Posted by Pilgrim

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