
Our Lady's Medjugorje message to Jakov Colo.

Today, Medjugorje Visionary Jakov Colo received his once a year annual visit from Our Lady. Here is the message he received:

Dear Children! Today, in a special way, I call you to pray for peace. Without God, you cannot have peace or live in peace. Therefore, little children, today on this day of grace, open your hearts to the King of Peace for Him to be born in you and to grant you His peace; and you, be carriers of peace in this peaceless world. Thank you for having responded to my call.

A LITTLE REFLECTION (by Sr. Isabel) Our Lady is so aware of the human condition. She knows what Advent has been like for many of us! She asks us to focus on the real reason for our celebration today, her Son, the Infant King. He is the only source of blessing, the only one in whom we have a future. Today's celebration is an opportunity for us to start over once again, and to refocus all that we do so that Jesus is the center. He is the true source of peace. As we ponder the Infant King, born in a lowly stable surrounded by the animals, the material concerns we may have take on a different perspective. In Him, we can place our trust, and in Him we will find security and the joy and peace which He wants us to have. May the New Year be one of blessings, hidden as they may be, for you and your family.

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