
I am calling you to the Light.

As Jesus went on his way two blind men followed him shouting. “Take pity on us, Son of David.” And when Jesus reached the house the blind men came up with him and he said to them, “Do you believe I can do this?” They said, “Sir, we do.” Then he touched their eyes saying, “Your faith deserves this, so let it be done for you.” And their sight returned. Matthew 9 : 27-30

Dear children! In your life you have all experienced light and darkness. God grants to every person to recognize good and evil. I am calling you to the light which you should carry to all the people who are in darkness. People who are in darkness daily come into your homes. Dear children, give them the light! Thank you for having responded to my call. March 14, 1985
Posted by Pilgrim


  1. Oh Lord, why is it so difficult to carry Your light? Please walk with me and help me carry it where necessary.

  2. Micki, You just created a beautiful prayer.
    God Bless,
