
Fr. Slavko's Advent Prayer.

God, our Father, we thank you that you sent us your Son Jesus who lived amongst us as a child and as an adult, and who gave his life for our salvation. With Mary, at the beginning of this Advent, we turn to you, merciful Father, and ask you to give us all the grace needed so our hearts may be prepared to accept your Son, Jesus Christ – as you prepared Mary’s heart for the coming of your Son.

Free us from our pride, our selfishness, our fear and distrust so that, like Mary, we open ourselves completely for you and your Son, so that our hearts can become a living place for your Son. We ask you for the the grace of a good confession, so that every confession becomes a meeting for us with your mercy and your love. Give us the grace of recognising where we have sinned, of being sincerely repentant. Cleanse us and heal all the wounds of our sins.

Bless also the confessors and fill their hearts with love and peace, so that they may all become a merciful extension of your love. Along with Mary, we ask you that we may decide, without delay, for conversion and for the path to holiness.

Free us from all bad habits that have enslaved us, that block us from deciding for the path to salvation. Father, we give you our past and our future, and ask you for the strength to do your will today. Fill our hearts, our families and our prayer groups with the spirit of prayer so that we may meet you in prayer and that through every meeting in prayer we may grow in holiness. On behalf of all those entangled in lack of faith, in distrust, in dependencies, in bad habits, and who cannot respond to your Word, we ask for your grace to free them.

Mary, we thank you that you are with us; we thank you for your prayer and intercession. Accompany us in this time of preparation so, like you, we may accept Jesus and remain loyal to Him so that some day we may reach heaven, through Christ, our Lord, Amen.

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