
A Thankful Pilgrim

The picture enclosed was given to me while I was praying for my daughter’s healing by a priest whose friend went to Medjugorje in 1988. He decided to take a picture of a beautiful rose bush located in front of St. James Church and when he developed the film this is what he found: the Virgin Mother with the Baby Jesus in Her arms!
Editor’s note: The author prefers to use a pen name because of the personal information. On the same day that she called me to see if I had received the copy of this picture she sent me, another subscriber in a different state sent me 4 copies of the same picture! I think I was being prompted to share this picture with our readers.

Miracle picture - A Thankful Pilgram


  1. I am always impressed by this picture and saw it some years ago. God is doing so many miracles at Medjugordje!

  2. Dear Padre Steve,
    Yes is is true that many miracles are taking place in Medjugorje. I think the greatest miracle is the coversions and the changes in people's hearts that happen there.
    I think that Medjugorje is one of the greatest events in world history, but most of the world has not yet reconized it as such. Medjugorje is a pure gift from God to us. I pray everyday that Our Lord and Our Lady's intentions will be for-filled there.
    God Bless,

  3. What a beautiful picture and story.

  4. I can feel the healing power of God from that picture.
