
Johnny the Grocery Store Bagger.

Johnny, the grocery store bagger. Please watch the following video clip. It is a story of Johnny, the grocery store bagger. It is very short, but it will remind you of why and how we make an impact in what we do. You may even want to share it with others, and I hope you will. It's amazing how one young Down's Syndrome bagger made such a wonderful impact on those customers lucky enough to have Johnny bag their groceries! Click Here To View The Movie http://www.simpletruths.com/simpletruths/a.aspx?af=219&mo=stsr


  1. I just love watching Johnny the bagger. It makes me cry all over again.
    Thanks for rminding me that ONE person can make a difference.

  2. Dear Wife & Mother,
    Your Wwlcome and thank you for your comment. The story of Johnny the Bagger touched our hearts. It is true that one person can make a big difference.
    God Bless you and your family.

  3. that is beautiful. Thanks so muvh for posting this Ed.

  4. I put a link on my blog about this I love the message so much Ed.


  5. Thank You Therese. God Bless You and your family.
