
Dr. Alveda King Says--Obama Doesn't Fulfill the Dream.

Steven Ertelt,Washington, DC (LifeNews.com) --

The niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. says Barack Obama doesn't fulfill her uncle's dream despite his election last week as president. Dr. Alveda King says Obama's pro-abortion position makes it so the civil rights struggle is not complete because unborn children are killed in abortion.
Alveda King told LifeNews.com on Tuesday that the civil rights struggle for unborn children continues and noted that abortion adversely affects the black community.
"The election of an African American president sends a powerful and historic message that what was previously unthinkable can become reality," King said.
"The battle for equal rights has reached a major milestone, but Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream of full equality remains just a dream as long as unborn children continue to be treated no better than property," she added.
While Obama has talked about reducing abortions and entering into common ground discussions about abortions involving both sides of the debate, King says his rhetoric and record don't match and that Obama will increase abortions as president.
"President-elect Obama has promised actions that will only increase the number of abortions," she said and added that pro-life advocates "must promise to redouble our efforts to resist anti-life proposals, speak up for the babies, and, above all, pray."
"We must pray with persistence and love that, in God's time, what is now deemed unthinkable will become reality - that all our brothers in sisters, from conception to natural death, will be protected in law and welcomed in society," King concluded.
"The elections are over. The pro-life battle begins anew."

1 comment:

  1. God bless Dr. Alveda King for her courageous defense of the unborn members of our human family.
