
Pope Benedict Shines A Light On Medjugorje Message.


Before leaving for his pilgrimage to Lourdes Pope Benedict XVI addressed these words to the people of France. I go as a messenger of peace and fraternity... May Mary be for all of you, and in particular for young people, a Mother always attentive to the needs of her children, a light of hope that illuminates and guides your ways.
Three months ago Our Lady gave these words to Mirjana, her messenger of peace at Medjugorje... Dear children, I am with you by the grace of God, to make you great - great in faith and love - all of you! You whose heart has been hard as a stone by sin and guilt, but you devout souls, I DESIRE TO ILLUMINATE WITH A NEW LIGHT. Pray that my prayer may meet open hearts that I may be able to illuminate them with the strength of faith and open the ways of love and hope. Be persevering. I will be with you. June 2, 2008___http://crownofstars.blogspot.com/

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