
Sister Briege McKenna-Miracles Do Happen.

"Miracles Do Happen" by Sister Briege McKenna

"In May of 1981, I was ministering in Rome and I had the privilege of praying with Father Tomislav Vlasic, a priest from Medjugorje. He had asked me to pray for his parish ministry back in Yugoslavia. I received one of the images I often get. I saw a white church with twin steeples. Father was sitting in the main celebrant's chair in the sanctuary of this church and streams of living water were flowing from the altar. Many people were coming and cupping the water in their hands to drink of this water.

Father Tomislav was very consoled by this image because his parish was going through hard times. The church was experiencing great difficulties. The government was less than sympathetic toward the church. It was about a month later, on June 24, that Our Lady made her first appearance to the five youths of Medjugorje"


  1. Miracles do happen is one of my favourite books.

  2. Therese, It is also one of my favorites.

  3. Thank God for Sister Briege - I wish I could meet her I would love to ask her how we can get the people motivated in action, in fasting and in praying the Rosary in order to STOP the Killing of the Unborn, and the World's descent into sin.
