
Feast of the Assumption:-Our Lady's message to Ivan of August 15, 2008

“Dear children, also today I call you with responsibility to accept my messages. Live, dear children, my messages. Today, in a special way, I call you, renew family prayer. Dear children, only by the renewal of the family prayer can today’s world be renewed spiritually. Spiritual renewal, dear children, is necessary for today’s world. Dear children, know that the Mother prays with you. The Mother intercedes with Her Son for all of you. The Mother loves all of you. Dear children, thank you for having responded to my call.”


  1. Ed, thought you'd like to know that I spoke to the lady in HI organizing the Marian Conference. She is very nice.

  2. That was nice Esther. I'm sure the Marian Conference will be great and spirit filled.
    If you get to meet Patrick or Nancy please tell them we are friends. They are such nice people and I know you will like them.
    God Bless,
