
Feeling Spiritually Dry Then Call upon the Holy Spirit.

How dry they were!" —Ezekiel 37:2.......Are you feeling spiritually dry? Do you feel that God is looking at your life and saying, "How dry you are"? At one time in my life I was constantly surrounded by spirit-filled people, but felt so dry and far from the Spirit that I'd given up hope of ever receiving His fullness. I was spiritually dry and I desperately needed living water. However, my life was fulfilling the saying: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." I wanted the Spirit and a few of His gifts, but I didn't want the Spirit to run my life."It is the Spirit that gives life."It's the Holy Spirit that gives the ability to love God and neighbor with our all. I knew these truths, but I only wanted the Spirit to give me a half-life, not the full. I wanted new life, but didn't want a new lifestyle.
For years, God soaked me with His sweet love through the Mass and the Bible. Eventually, I came to Jesus and begged Him to immerse me in the Holy Spirit even if I had to change my entire life. I received the Holy Spirit and was stunned to discover that I loved this new lifestyle.... Mary said: "Let it be done unto me," and became a model for all future Christians.

Come Holy Spirit, come by means of the most powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary your well beloved spouse. Come Holy Spirit and descend upon me. Father, I pray and ask you to give me all the gifts of your spirit.

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