
Kiera’s Miracle

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 12.38.58 PMMy family and I were devastated four years ago when our nine year-old granddaughter, Kiera, was diagnosed with stage-4 Epithelioid sarcoma – a very rare cancer causing tumors with finger-like extensions. She had a tumor in her sacrum (bottom) area, the size of a man’s fist that had finger-like extensions to other areas. A surgeon in Pittsburgh could not remove the entire tumor because of where the extensions were. Pittsburgh had never seen this type of cancer, so we went to Philadelphia. We were told that there was nothing that could be done – radiation and chemotherapy would not work. The only cure was to remove the entire tumor. Because of where Kiera’s tumor was, it would be a very radical surgery, having to remove her buttocks and maybe more. It would be too painful and most likely that area would not heal. We didn’t want to just give up, so the oncologist said she would do another scan in a few months.
Meanwhile, everyone was praying. Kiera’s name spread like wild fire. We received so many holy items and Masses. Kiera’s picture was taken to the Holy Land, Medjugorje, and Rome.
My friend, Joann, told me about Fr. Bill Kiel. Her mother had been to his Healing Mass in Indiana, PA, and was healed from kidney cancer. Fr. Kiel met with us privately and blessed us all, and we went to his Healing Mass several times. After my first Healing Mass and resting in the Spirit for the first time, I had felt peace for the first time since Kiera was diagnosed. Kiera also rested in the spirit.
When Kiera had her scan, the surgeon said that surgery would be doable, but would have to have a plastic surgeon available. However, they found a nodule on Kiera’s lung, and she had to have a biopsy. After her biopsy, the first thing Kiera said was, “Nana, I just felt the Blessed Mother kiss me on my forehead.” The biopsy was negative – a miracle! The oncologist was sure that the cancer had spread to her lungs. If it had, no surgery would have been performed.
We kept going to Fr. Kiel’s Healing Masses and to a local church, St. Francis Night of Worship, where the Franciscan’s brothers prayed for her. Fr. Kiel had gone to Medjugorje where he said Mass for Kiera and brought her back 100 rosaries and medals. Kiera enjoyed giving these to everyone.
Kiera had to have a colostomy before her major surgery, then in a few weeks she would have the surgery. A week before her surgery, we got a call that her surgeon had to have back surgery. We had the choice of having another surgeon or to wait until Kiera’s surgeon returned. We thought God must have a reason for this. We would wait because he was the best surgeon.
Since her surgery was delayed by another six weeks, she had to have another scan. The surgeon was surprised to see that the tumor and its extensions were much, much less, and a plastic surgeon would not be needed. The surgeon said he did not understand how it could be better. I told him it was God, and he wouldn’t believe how many people were praying for her. She had her surgery while everyone was praying for her, and the surgeon got clean borders – a miracle! Kiera healed miraculously well with no problems at all. She was back in school a week after her surgery. If her surgeon wouldn’t have had surgery himself, Kiera’s surgery would have been much more radical.
A year later, Kiera had her colostomy reversed. During all of this, we were blessed to meet so many amazing people. And of course, God had already blessed us with our wonderful family and friends, and co-workers. We had so many God-winks.


Then, in October, 2011, Kiera felt a tiny lump in her chest that started to grow. A biopsy showed it was the same cancer. Her oncologist said surgery was not possible due to the tumor’s finger-like extensions down around her ribs. Of course, we confirmed it with a second opinion. No surgery or chemo could be done. I thought, “Why did God take away His miracle?” That is when our wonderful friend, Debbie, said we should go to Medjugorje.

Vicka Meets Kiera

In January of 2012, we went to Medjugorje. The visionary Vicka had been too ill to be speaking in public, but she began speaking the week before Kiera arrived. Vicka held Kiera in her arms and prayed for her. She told her that there is nothing to fear. Kiera said that she knows that, and that she is in a win-win situation. She wins if she goes to Heaven and she wins if she stays here. Vicka said our Blessed Mother took her to Heaven, and Heaven is the most joyful place we could ever imagine.
While climbing Cross Mountain, we first saw the Miracle of the Sun. At another location, Kiera captured this miracle on her phone, which the rest of us could not capture. You can see her video on YouTube (Video of Pulsating Sun from Medjugorje). My husband, Bob, saw a hand above the Cross as he was praying. At the Risen Christ statue, tears drip out of the leg; but every time Kiera touched it, they flowed (not drip). Fr. Kevin Devine said Mass for her and treated her like an angel. We met so many amazing people and friends for life. We all had such a peace that is hard to explain. We didn’t want to leave and cried as we drove away.
Kiera’s care was transferred back to Pittsburgh, so she would be closer for palliative care. She was in a clinical trial in the summer of 2012, which failed, and the tumor grew. She also developed tumor lesions and fistulas in her original tumor site on her bottom. She was in extreme pain.
Our friends, Anita and Nancy, who we met at Fr. Kiel’s, were going to Medjugorje in November, 2012, with Fr. Kiel. They felt that Kiera HAD to go back to Medjugorje. They were leaving in three weeks, and I said we just couldn’t afford to go again so soon. They said not to worry about the money.

Earthly Angels

Special anonymous Earth angels donated money to pay for Kiera and her father, Dan (my son), to go. There just happened to be room on the plane and in the hotel. Also, I found out later that they were short $500, and a man from Massachusetts we never even met, who couldn’t make his trip with the same travel company that we were with, wanted to use his refund toward a child going to Medjugorje. He knew nothing about Kiera, but the agent at the travel company did. Just so happens that he has a granddaughter whose name is Kiera – spelled the same.

Return to Medjugorje

Fr. KielSo, November 6, 2012, we were so blessed to go back to Medjugorje, which was Kiera’s wish. Kiera climbed Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain in her bare feet all the way to the top and back. Fr. Kiel blessed Kiera from a puddle of water between the statue of Our Blessed Mother and the Crucifix, making a Sign of the Cross over her tumor in her chest. Kiera said that she felt Jesus and Mary were with her, and that evening she said she thought the tumor was shrinking. So many more God-winks, blessings, and peace in Medjugorje!
In December, Kiera went for her check-up, and her bottom area was as the doctor said, “Amazingly better.” She no longer had pain in this area, and she had put on 10 pounds. Her tumor in her chest was still there, but not giving her as much pain as before. Her oncologist decided it wouldn’t hurt to try radiation on her chest; although, it had been proven that radiation does not work on this type of tumor. Over Christmas, she had radiation and then again the end of January. When we went for Kiera’s checkup in August, 2013, no tumor could be felt. Her oncologist said it is unexplainable and is miraculous! He said she is his third miracle since he became a doctor. He said there was no way that radiation would have shrunk it. Also, when Kiera had an echocardiogram, I had the technician place the ultrasound over the tumor site, and he could not detect any tumor. Miracle! Kiera just had her six-month checkup on Good Friday, April 18th [2014], and her oncologist still says it’s a miracle!
If it hadn’t been for Kiera’s illness, we would not have become closer to God, met so many amazing people, and been blessed with so many new friends. Kiera has made so many people more faithful. Kiera told me when the cancer had come back to not be sad; she couldn’t wait to meet God, and that we would be together soon because our time here on Earth is like a blink of God’s eye. We never gave up hope and praying, but also accepted God’s will and peace. Most important of all is for us to be in Heaven with Our Lord! Maybe Kiera’s illness has saved some souls.
Before Kiera’s illness, I always thanked God, but didn’t really praise Him. I always went to church, but hadn’t made God the center of my life. I knew of the Holy Spirit, but didn’t KNOW the Holy Spirit like I do now. I now know the power of the Rosary and fasting, and read God’s Word, the Bible. So I have to thank God for Kiera’s illness because it brought me and others closer to God. Kiera is God’s gift to us – she is God’s. I know there is a God because how else can we have a heart that can love others so much. Thank you, my wonderful Blessed Mother, all my angels, saints, loved ones in Heaven and on Earth for your prayers. Thank you, God The Father! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Holy Spirit! If you are reading this, please give thanks for me.
Remember to always give thanks and praise to God; prayer is very powerful. Nothing is impossible with God. Jesus, I trust in You!
Editor’s note: Cathy is from Dysart, PA.

Fr. Bill Kiel will be at the Signs & Wonders seminar on May 2, 2015. 


Father John Randall, Easter Week, Can you hear me now?

Easter Week Published on Apr 17, 2012:
Watch this GREAT, rousing episode of St. Charles Speaks! produced by Kara Russo and filmed at St. Charles Borromeo Church in Providence, Rhode Island in April 2010!

 Father John Randall,  passed away in June 2011.

 Filled with the Holy Spirit, he tells it like it is! Many miracles have happened since his death and many miracles before his death as well.


Our Lady's Message to Marija of March 25, 2015

(c)Mary TV 2014   

March 25, 2015

Dear Family of Mary!

Here is the message given today through Marija:

"Dear children! Also today the Most High permits me to be with you and to lead you on the way of conversion. Many hearts have shut themselves to grace and have become deaf to my call. You, little children, pray and fight against temptation and all the evil plans which the devil offers you through modernism. Be strong in prayer and with the cross in your hands pray that evil may not use you and may not conquer in you. I am with you and pray for you. Thank you for having responded to my call." (March 25, 2015)

In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
Mary TV


Arrangement Ban Is Based On Misquotation

by Jakob Marschner
When the Vatican’s doctrinal office took away permission to participate in Medjugorje events, it did so by misquoting a statement from the Yugoslav bishops. The error is critical and damaging, and has caused people to believe Medjugorje is at best questionable, says author Wayne Weible.
The decisive part of the letyter in which the Vatican's doctrinal office forbids participation in events that take the authentifity of the apparitions in Medjugorje for granted
The decisive part of the letter in which the Vatican’s doctrinal office forbids participation in events that take the authenticity of the apparitions in Medjugorje for granted
Medjugorje arrangements are being cancelled, and the visionaries are increasingly being kept from appearing in public outside of Medjugorje due to the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) misquoting the only official Church document on Medjugorje.
This document, the April 10th 1991 so-called Zadar Declaration from the Catholic bishops of then-Yugoslavia, was the only document referred to when CDF on October 21st 2013, via the papal nuncio to the United States, circulated a letter forbidding participation in events that take the authenticity of the apparitions “for granted” to all the American bishops. Recently, the letter was re-inforced to have visionary Ivan Dragicevic’s scheduled appearance in St. Charles, MO, cancelled.
Cardinal Franjo Kugaric of Zagreb (1919-2002) chaired the Yugoslavian Bishops Conference that formulated the Catholic Church's only official statement on Medjugorje in the 1991 Zadar Declaration which is now being misquoted by the Vatican's doctrinal office. Cardinal Kuharic's cause for beatification will be postulated by Croatians, it was recently revealed
Cardinal Franjo Kuharic of Zagreb (1919-2002) chaired the Yugoslavian Bishops Conference that formulated the Catholic Church’s only official statement on Medjugorje in the 1991 Zadar Declaration which is now being misquoted by the Vatican’s doctrinal office. Cardinal Kuharic’s cause for beatification will now be postulated by Croatians, it was recently revealed
But the passage from the Zadar Declaration that CDF employed as jumpboard for the ban does not quote the Zadar Declaration correctly.
Two words were omitted, and the apparitions were no longer mentioned in present tense, as in the Zadar Declaration, but in past tense. Errors which have been causing serious damage to Medjugorje and the credibility of the visionaries, says Wayne Weible, the author of ten books on the events of Medjugorje.
With the changes to the Zadar Declaration, it appears as if the Yugoslav bishops closed the case of Medjugorje with a negative decision in 1991 while their declaration in fact left the case open.
“On the basis of the investigations, so far (our emphasis, ed.) it cannot be affirmed that one is (our emphasis, ed.) dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations” the Yugoslav bishops wrote in the Zadar Declaration.
“On the basis of the research that has been done, it is not possible to state that there were (our emphasis, ed.) apparitions or supernatural revelations” CDF quoted the declaration in 2013, having first referred to the Zadar Declaration as a document that “all should accept”.
The postman: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the papal nuncio to the United States, circulated the restriction letter on Medjugorje to the American bishops upon an order from CDF
The postman: Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the papal nuncio to the United States, circulated the restriction letter on Medjugorje to the American bishops upon CDF’s order
The misquoted part of the Zadar Declaration was the only material used by CDF to justify why participation in Medjugorje events is no longer permitted. In the following paragraph of the letter, CDF concludes:
“It follows, therefore, that clerics and the faithful are not permitted to participate in meetings, conferences or public celebrations during which the credibility of such “apparitions” would be taken for granted. In order, therefore, to avoid scandal and confusion, (CDF Prefect) Archbishop Müller asks that the Bishops be informed of this matter as soon as possible.”
The initiator: the restriction letter on Medjugorje was sent to the American bishops at the request of Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
The initiator: the restriction letter on Medjugorje was sent to the American bishops at the request of Cardinal Gerhard Müller, the Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Emphasizing that the case of the authenticity of Medjugorje was being left open, the Yugoslav bishops ended the Zadar Declaration by stating they would keep on following the place:
” (…) through their Commission (the Yugoslav bishops)  will continue to keep up with and investigate the entire event in Medjugorje” the bishops stated in 1991.
Before CDF’s circulated letter of restrictions in 2013, the Zadar Declaration had never been employed to stop events related to Medjugorje.
Wayne Weible: "the carelessness of this error cannot be overlooked due to the damage it has done to the followers of Medjugorje here in the United States"
Wayne Weible: “the carelessness of this error cannot be overlooked due to the damage it has done to the followers of Medjugorje here in the United States”
The misquotations are very serious, says author Wayne Weible.
“The error has caused people to withdraw from any event concerning Medjugorje, including conferences, gatherings and pilgrimages to the site. In fact, there is strong sentiment among the faithful that the Church is stating that the apparitions at Medjugorje are questionable at best” Wayne Weible tells Medjugorje Today.
“Were the two words deliberately left out of the quoted statement? I would like to think not, but the carelessness of this error cannot be overlooked due to the damage it has done to the followers of Medjugorje here in the United States. Pilgrimages to the village are down considerably and there are only a handful of conferences that focus on the apparitions – this from a country that sent millions of pilgrims there in the eighties” Weible continues.
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic with whom a public arrangement in Missouri was recently cancelled when CDF's restriction letter was being re-inforced
Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic with whom a public arrangement in Missouri was recently cancelled when CDF’s restriction letter was being re-inforced
The author points out that CDF’s restriction letter also contains misspellings, and displays “lack of respect and possibly bias”.
“Adding to this obvious error of omission of these important words, the name “Medjugorje” is twice misspelled in the letter as “Medjogurje”, and visionary Ivan Dragicevic is referred to as one of the “so-called” visionaries, lending further evidence that it was written in haste and possibly with bias. Referring to Ivan as a so-called visionary shows a lack of respect of him and the apparitions, which the Church may one day rule as worthy of belief, making him an authentic visionary of the Blessed Virgin” Wayne Weible says.
Ex-Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls
Ex-Vatican spokesman Joaquin Navarro-Valls
Banning participation in Medjugorje arrangements also contradicts a statement of clarification given on August 21st 1996 by then-Vatican Press Office spokesman Dr. Joaquin Navarro-Valls, Wayne Weible calls to mind:
“You cannot say people cannot go there until it has been proven false. This has not been said, so anyone can go if they want” Joaquin Navarro-Valls said.
“Frankly, the harshness of the language of (CDF’s) letter is damaging in itself by stating that the faithful are not permitted to attend meetings, gatherings, conferences or any celebrations that would take for granted that the apparitions are authentic. On the contrary, the faithful, as individuals, are allowed to believe in, promote, make pilgrimage, write about and attend such events until the Church formally rules on an alleged apparition. We are then to accept the ruling as obedient members of the Church” Wayne Weible says.
“I can only hope the CDF would acknowledge the error and issue a corrected announcement with corrected and less harsh language” he concludes.



"The Lord heard her prayer. As she was being led to execution, God stirred up the holy spirit of a young boy named Daniel, and he cried aloud." -Daniel 13:44-46

Susanna was "a very beautiful and God-fearing woman" (Dn 13:2). "Her pious parents had trained their daughter according to the law of Moses" (Dn 13:3). Susanna was happily married to Joakim, a very rich man who was the most respected of all the Jews in Babylon (Dn 13:4). Susanna was blessed with children in her marriage (Dn 13:30). Susanna was a very holy, beautiful woman, a beloved daughter, faithful wife, and devoted mother.

Then two wicked judges tried to force her to commit adultery with them by threatening to falsely accuse her of adultery and condemn her to death, if she did not give in to them. Susanna, however, chose to remain pure, faithful, and holy, even though she would lose her life, good reputation, marriage, and family (Dn 13:23). This was not the first evil act these judges had committed. They had subverted justice by "passing unjust sentences, condemning the innocent, and freeing the guilty" (Dn 13:53). They had also sexually abused several other women (Dn 13:57).

The Lord saved Susanna's life and reputation. He saved Susanna's husband, parents, and children from being disgraced and traumatized. He stopped the judges' subversion of justice and sexual abuse, which had gone on for years. The Lord transformed a perverted society by stirring up "the Holy Spirit of a young boy named Daniel" (Dn 13:45).

We also need the Holy Spirit to be stirred up in us (see 2 Tm 1:6-7) and transform our culture of death into a civilization of life and love. Come, Holy Spirit this Lent, Easter, and Pentecost!

 Holy Spirit, cry out in my heart "Abba" ("Father") (Gal 4:6).

 "Nor do I condemn you. You may go. But from now on, avoid this sin." -Jn 8:11


Relevant as Ever

Bishop Thomas Tobin
The Ten Commandments, as Relevant as Ever
So, a well-known, formerly powerful local politician is arrested and pleads guilty to various acts of political corruption including bribery, misuse of campaign funds and filing a false tax return.

A prominent professional athlete rails against the rude, tasteless and obscene things written on the Internet about his daughter, a senior in high school, after it was announced that she had been accepted into college.

 Two high-profile local criminal trials are taking place simultaneously in the region: one dealing with the Boston Marathon bombings of two years ago, and the other with a murder involving a former member of the New England Patriots.

A twenty-five-year-old man is arrested and charged with felony assault after severely beating another man unconscious in a broad-daylight attack.

The local Islamic School is vandalized when someone spray-paints racial slurs and expletives around the main entrance of the school.

There are many other recent news stories I could add to the list and, without a doubt, by the time this column appears there will be.

But, what do all of these events have in common? In each and every case, the offenses being reported involve the breaking of one or more of the Ten Commandments. For example – Thou shall not steal; Thou shall not bear false witness; Thou shall not kill.

Regrettably, we don’t hear much about the Ten Commandments any more. Is it just a coincidence that as the Commandments have been scrubbed from our classrooms, courtrooms and public squares they have also disappeared from the public discourse? We shouldn’t be surprised, then, that there’s so much corruption, violence and vulgarity in our society today. After all, we’ve ignored God’s law that serves as the foundation of the criminal law; we’ve deleted the rules of engagement that regulate our life together.

But the Ten Commandments are over 3,000 years old. They were given to a foreign nation in a distant land. They addressed the specific needs of the time. So, are they still relevant? Do they still apply to our age?
Pope Francis recently talked about the importance of the Ten Commandments. He said: “The Ten Commandments are a gift from God. The word ‘commandment’ isn’t fashionable. To today’s persons, it recalls something negative, someone’s will that imposes limits; that places obstacles to our lives.”

The Holy Father went to explain God’s motive for giving us the Commandments: “The Ten Commandments come from a God who created us out of love, from a God who established a covenant with humanity, a God who wants the good of humanity . . . The Ten Commandments show us a path to travel and also constitute a sort of moral code for building just societies that are made for men and women.”
In other words, the Ten Commandments have three important purposes.

First, they help us to fulfill our potential as human beings as children of God made in His image and likeness. Each of us has an immortal soul, a spark of divinity within us. Each of us is destined for eternal life.
But how do we know what to do? How do we decide between right and wrong? Left to our own devices we are sure to get lost, sure to wander from the path. The Ten Commandments keep that from happening. The Commandments are the original GPS – God’s Positioning Signposts.

Second, the Commandments keep us from getting hurt and they regulate our daily interactions with one another. If you’ve ever gotten into trouble with the law, it’s probably because you’ve broken the Commandments, the foundation of our criminal and civil law. And if you’ve ever had a falling-out with your parents, spouse, neighbor or boss, perhaps it’s because someone violated one of the Commandments – with angry words, in spreading gossip, or by lying and cheating, for example.

I remember hearing of a teacher quizzing her students about the Ten Commandments.“Which Commandment teaches you how to get along with your parents?” the teacher asked. “The Fourth,” replied one young lad. “Honor your father and your mother.” “Very good,” she said. “But which Commandment teaches you how to get along with your little brother?” “The Fifth,” he said. “Thou shall not kill!”

Third, the Commandments, as the Pope points out, help to build a just society. They provide some protection for the weak and the vulnerable. They help to level the playing field. They ensure that everyone is playing by the same rules. A football game has rules that are enforced by the referee. If a player breaks the rules he’ll be penalized. It’s like that in the spiritual realm too. In that league God is the ultimate referee. Break the rules and you’ll be punished.

In short, if we really hope to eliminate corruption, crime and violence from our world and nation, our state and local communities, we’ve got to return to the basics, we’ve got to heed the Ten Commandments. And if we want to avoid condemnation and enjoy the gift of eternal life, we need to learn and keep the Commandments of the Lord.

In the Prophet Jeremiah we read these words of the Lord: “I, the Lord, alone probe the mind and test the heart, to reward everyone according to his ways, according to the merit of his deeds.” (Jer 17:10)
It’s that simple. God will reward our just deeds and punish our evil deeds. The Commandments help us to know the difference.

Da Mihi Animas

Da Mihi Animas

The blood relic of San Gennaro, Naples' patron saint, liquefied in the presence of Pope Francis today, the first time the miracle has occurred in front of a Pontiff since Pope Pius IXThe miracle of the relic, in which half of the blood liquefied, took place during Francis' visit to Naples cathedral.


We are not to talk about Medjugorje so much but to live it.

Testimony of Fr. Charlie Nakouz

date: 20.03.2015.
Fr. Charlie Nakouz comes from Lebanon and he visited Medjugorje for the first time in 1997, but since 2001 he has been coming here three times a year as the group leader of pilgrims who come from Lebanon. Fr. Charlie  told us: “It was long ago when I had the chance to meet the late Fr. Slavko and the visionaries Marija and Ivan. Whenever I would ask them to pray for me so that I would be able to discern my vocation, their response was always the same. They would tell me to pray to the Queen of Peace to lead me in my life. I am here now, as a priest for the first time, after 18 years since I first arrived in Medjugorje.

 This is a huge blessing for me and I am really happy that I was able to participate in this seminar for group leaders as this indeed was a very profound experience. After sharing experiences with others, I am trying to help other people who are coming here, so that we all may be able to discover the love of our God and the Gospa. As Fr. Marinko said, we all are here to experience the love of God in our communion, and we are not to talk about Medjugorje so much but to live it. That is what we in Lebanon have been trying to do", said Fr. Charlie.  http://www.medjugorje.hr/en/


A Father's Sacrifice

Thomas S. Vander Woude gave his life for his youngest son, Joseph. In this video, members of the Vander Woude family remember their husband and dad. They also share what Thomas' life and death taught them about living life well, sacrifice... and faith.



"Joseph, son of David, have no fear." -Matthew 1:20

Shortly before Jesus was crucified, He prayed: "O Father most holy, protect them with Your name" (Jn 17:11). "Guard them from the evil one" (Jn 17:15). We need to be on guard, for our "opponent the devil is prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour" (1 Pt 5:8). We are in such danger that the Lord has assigned guardian angels to us (Ps 91:11), and the Holy Spirit has assigned pastors to guard us as members of the Church (Acts 20:28).

Possibly the greatest guardian of all is St. Joseph. He received the ultimate guarding assignment - to guard Jesus and His mother, Mary. He will also guard us, if we let him.

We certainly need all the guards we can get, considering the diabolical threats on our lives, dangers to our health, temptations against our faith, opposition to our ministry, slander against our character, deceptions against the truth, and the chaos in society. We live in very dangerous times. We need more guards than ever, and we need Joseph more than ever.
Thank the Lord for giving Joseph to you as your guardian. Ask him to guard you and father you. Then live for Jesus zealously, boldly, confidently, and safely. St. Joseph, pray for us.

 Father, may I be safe though a thousand fall at my left side and ten thousand at my right side (Ps 91:7).

 "Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before Me; your throne shall stand firm forever." -2 Sm 7:16

Medjugorje: Annual message to Mirjana of March 18, 2015

Dear children! With a full heart I am asking you, I am imploring you children: cleanse your hearts of sin and lift them up to God and to eternal life. I am imploring you: be vigilant and open for truth. Do not permit for all that is of this earth to distance you from the true cognition of the contentment in the communion with my Son.

 I am leading you on the way of true wisdom, because only with true wisdom can you come to know true peace and the true good. Do not waste time asking for signs of the Heavenly Father, because he has already given you the greatest sign, which is my Son.

 Therefore, my children, pray so that the Holy Spirit can lead you into truth, can help you to come to know it, and through that knowledge of the truth that you may be one with the Heavenly Father and with my Son. That is the cogniton which gives happiness on earth and opens the door of eternal life and infinite love. Thank you.



A Healing: Testimony of Margarita Rodriguez who is sharing with us a Healing she received when Medjugorje visionary Ivan visited her parish.


A Healing: Testimony of Margarita Rodriguez

" This is a Testimony by Margarita Rodrigues, who is now sharing with us a Healing she received when Medjugorje visionary Ivan visited her parish.

I want to share with you some wonderful news of the day we had in our church Saint Brendan's the visit of Medjugorje visionary Ivan and the apparition of the Blessed Mother.

On that day Our Lady asked her Son Jesus to take care of me. My big problem is that I have been short of breath- and that is because of my operation which was back in 1987. The doctor had to remove half of my diaphragm and since then I have been very short of breath, but about a year ago I became much worst, and my right lung collapsed.

I went to a specialist, a Doctor of Pulmonary disease and he sent me to do a Scan, and also a test to see how my oxygen level was. The test showed that I had less than 60% function in my lung. So I was really bad, with my shortness of breath, I have to sleep with 3 pillows to be able to sleep, and when I am doing my housework I do it, and then I have to rest.

The doctor told me I am sorry Margarita I can do nothing more to help you, you have to live with this condition the best way you can.

I accepted what the doctor told me and that was fine and then I offered to Our Lord the little I have to offer Him.

I said to Jesus, I offer the little that I have to You because You have suffered so much for us, and our sins and You continue your suffering for us..

When I went to my church to talk to Father Fernando Heria with my friend Mary Fernandez and her husband Manolo to discuss the preparation of the day IVAN was coming to Miami and the Apparition of Our Blessed Mother. It was then that Father Fernando asked me to pray and lead the Rosary.

I said yes of course -and I was so happy- but then I was worried because of my acute shortness of breath and my cough.

I prayed very hard to Our Mother and Her Son Jesus to help me to pray well, as they both knew of my big problem. I asked them to help me--(remember I asked you also to help me in your prayers)-- so I could pray well the Rosary on that special day in front of so many people about 1500 persons.

When I went to the podium I felt that I was in a cloud, a Peace so strong came
over me, I felt different and I prayed the Rosary so well. Then after the Apparition of Our Blessed
Mother I also prayed the Rosary of Medjugorje, The Creed and the 7 Our Father's, the 7 Hail Mary's and the 7 Glory be's.

That was on a Friday January 21,2011 but it wasn't until Sunday the 23rd that I realized that I was fine and that I didn't have any shortness of breath. I didn't tell my husband anything at that time! I wanted to be sure first. I started checking myself and I began doing things in the house and I felt fine, and when I went to bed that evening I said OK now I am going to do a big test.

I took the 3 pillows away that I always had to sleep on and I was perfect,- I was breathing perfectly- and then I said now the final test- the way I always like to sleep, FLAT completely, with my stomach in the mattress and I slept perfectly all night. Since that day I continued sleeping that way with NO SHORTNESS OF BREATH.

I feel so good, and so happy. Yesterday afternoon I went to see my Doctor and I told him what happened and that I was feeling fine, and that I was no longer short of breath. He was so surprised and said to me when "Our Lord wants to do something for someone HE does it and HE did it for you Margarita."

So now I am beginning to tell about my healing and I wanted to share with you this beautiful news.
Margarita is from Miami Florida
First posted on December 20, 2011


The Medjugorje Message: Holy Year of Mercy

The Medjugorje Message: Holy Year of Mercy: Dear brothers and sisters, I have often thought about how the Church might make clear its mission of being a witness to mercy. It is a jo...


The Medjugorje Message: Cardinal’s ‘mercy’ prophecy fulfilled

Cardinal Sodana
The Medjugorje Message: Cardinal’s ‘mercy’ prophecy fulfilled: Yesterday, the Holy Father announced in St Peter’s Basilica the celebration of an ‘extraordinary Holy Year’ – a Jubilee of Mercy – and in th...


Invitation to Medjugorje

Is Our Lady calling you?

Join us on a wonderful 11-day pilgrimage to Medjugorje with Spiritual Director Fr. Michael Sevigny, o.f.m, Cap.

We are departing on Pentecost Sunday, May 24, 2015 and returning June 3rd.  A 3-day extension is available if desired.

$2,699 per person includes flight, taxes, ground transportation, room at a wonderful pansion (Ivan's cousin),  two meals daily and guide,  

For further information call Stefanie at 1-800-206-8687.  Www.pilgrimages.com/maureen


Are You Hardly Praying This Lent

"O, that today you would hear His voice: 'Harden not your heart.' " -Psalm 95:7-8

There's a lot of attention these days on hardening of the arteries, arteriosclerosis. The arteries clog and harden to the point where the flow of blood can be almost completely blocked. This can lead to sudden death. In a similar way, a hard heart, stiff neck, and turned back lead to spiritual death.

That's why we bend our knees in worship and bow our heads in prayer. That's one side effect of the various patterns of standing, sitting, kneeling, processing up to Communion and back, and so on during each Mass. We are constantly moving, which is an aid to preventing a stiff posture before the Lord. Yes, our hearts can still be hard, twisted, tortuous, and self-deceived even at Mass (see Jer 17:9). Yet at Mass we are in the Real Presence of the beating heart of Jesus in His eucharistic glory.

I challenge you during the rest of this Lent to try your best to attend Mass daily or as often as possible. If this is not possible, then increase your daily prayer time and try to pray on your knees or bowed down before the Lord. This is a way of humbling ourselves in the sight of the Lord (see Lk 18:9-14; 1 Pt 5:6).
Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like Yours.

 "Change my heart, O God. Make it ever true."

"He who is not with Me is against Me, and he who does not gather with Me scatters." -Lk 11:23


The Medjugorje Message: Vicka visits San Giovanni Rotundo

Photo by Bernard Gallagher
The Medjugorje Message: Vicka visits San Giovanni Rotundo: Our Lady asks for Glorious Mysteries to be prayed every day during Lent... According to the Italian blog Medjugorje tutti i giorni , Me...

I Will Follow

Published on Jan 6, 2015
I Will Follow, is a powerful 10 minute film by Ascension Press featuring the testimonies of Fr. Mike Schmitz and Fr. Josh Johnson and their journey to the priesthood. I Will Follow is taken from the study, Altaration: The Mystery of the Mass Revealed.

Our hope is that I Will Follow will spark an interest in the Catholic priesthood by allowing viewers to identify with the priests in the film, seeing them as “real men” from the real world who heard God’s call to the priesthood and were courageous enough to say yes. The joy they have experienced in their vocation is a moving and powerful witness for the priesthood.
You can find out all about this at www.altaration.com. The trailer for the program is here.


The Medjugorje Message: A reminder to remain little...

Photo by Bernard Gallagher
The Medjugorje Message: A reminder to remain little...: Earlier this month damage was sustained to one of the hands of Our Lady’s statue that stands on Apparition Hill. The little finger of the ...

Death Explained By A Little Girl With Terminal Cancer

“Once I’m dead, I think my mother will miss me, but I’m not afraid to die. I wasn’t born for this life.”

As an oncologist with 29 years of professional experience, I can say that I’ve grown and changed as a result of the tragedies my patients have endured. We don’t know our real measure until, amid adversity, we discover that we are capable of going far beyond what we imagined.

I have fond memories of the Oncological Hospital of Pernambuco, where I took my first steps as a professional. I started going to the children’s ward, and there I fell in love with pediatric oncology.

I witnessed the tragedies my patients endured, as innocent little victims of cancer. With the birth of my first daughter, I started to feel uncomfortable seeing children suffer. Until the day an angel passed by!

I saw that angel in the semblance of an 11-year-old girl, exhausted by two years of different treatments, handling, injections and all the problems that chemical treatment programs and radiation involve. But I never saw that little angel give up. I saw her cry many times. I also saw the fear in her eyes, but that is only human!

One day I arrived at the hospital, early and I found my little angel alone in her room. I asked her where her mother was. To this day I cannot recount her response without becoming very emotional.

“Sometimes my mother leaves the room to cry in the hallway in secret. When I’m dead, I think my mother will miss me, but I’m not afraid to die. I wasn’t born for this life!”

“What does death represent for you, my dear?,” I asked her.

“When we’re little, sometimes we go to sleep in our parents’ bed, and the day after we wake up in our own bed, isn’t that right? (I thought about my own daughters, who at the time were 6 and 2, and this is exactly what happened with them)”.

“That’s what it’s like. One day I will go to sleep and my Father will come for me. I will wake up in His house, in my true life!”

I was stunned, and didn’t know what to say. I was shocked by the maturity which suffering had brought about in the spirit of that child.

“And my mama will miss me,” she added.

Moved, I held back the tears and asked: “And what does missing someone mean to you, my dear?”

“Missing someone is the love that remains.”

Today, at 53, I challenge anyone to give a better, more direct and simpler definition for the word “longing”: it is the love that remains.

My little angel left many us years ago, but she left me with a great lesson that helped me to improve my life, to try to be more human and affectionate with my patients, to rethink my values. When night falls, if the sky is clear and I see a star, I call it “my angel”, who sparkles and shines in heaven.

I think that in her new and eternal home, she is a shining star.

Thank you, little angel, for the life you had, for the lessons you taught me, for the help you gave me. How beautiful longing is. 

— Dr. Rogério Brandão, Oncologist