
Medjugorje: Fire & Smoke on Apparition Mountain

Fire at Apparition Mountain August 31, 2012
This is what could be seen tonight as pilgrims were leaving Apparition Mountain. Again, while the fire is not directly at the place of the apparition spot, we pray that Our Lady continue to protect Her mountain and all those who gather there to pray


" 'Master, Master!' they cried. 'Open the door for us.' But He answered, 'I tell you, I do not know you.' " -Matthew 25:12

During our life on earth, we can prepare for hell by living a "hell on earth." We simply live a lifestyle we know would be displeasing to Jesus. Since we presume He's not present, what's to stop us from living as we please? Before long, we've run the risk of sliding so far away from Jesus that even if we did recognize His presence, we might not be able to change our lifestyle. We're far enough down the road to hell, an eternal future without the presence of Jesus (Catechism, 1033, 1035), that the Good News is unacceptable to us (see 1 Cor 1:18).

Alternatively, we can prepare for heaven by living a "heaven on earth," that is, a life lived constantly in the presence of Jesus. Every breath we take, each step we make, every moment we act in constant awareness that the Master is present. We act differently because we know He is present. We long for His presence more than the deer longs for running waters (Ps 42:2). Our hearts are restless until they rest in His presence (Catechism, 30). We change our lifestyle and do whatever it takes to have more time in His presence. Eucharistic adoration, frequent Mass, service to the suffering (Mt 25:35ff), Scripture reading, prayer, praise (Ps 22:3, JB), working for justice are ways to remain in the Master's presence and thereby keep our lamps full of the oil of the Spirit.
Our life on earth and eternal future are centered around the presence of Jesus. "Why delay, then?" (Acts 22:16). Live "resolutely in the presence of the Lord," and continue "to grow strong" (2 Chr 27:6).

 Master, I would rather suffer deprivation and enjoy Your presence than have luxury without You (see Ps 84:11).

Pilgrims in Medjugorje

Pilgrims in Medjugorje

Roberta Brusic and Boris Peterlin who work in Caritas of Croatia were in Medjugorje. Roberta said how she first came to Medjugorje a little after the war in Croatia, but her first, genuine visit, when she really met Our Lady happened in the years after. “That is when the Lord made a change in my life and I encountered living God and Our Lady”, said Roberta. As she spoke about fruits of Medjugorje she said that in the beginning she was so full of the enthusiasm that she wanted to remain here permanently, but as she grew in her faith it was easier for her to depart from Medjugorje, knowing that everything she had experienced remained in her, that Medjugorje is not just a place but it is something that lives in her everyday life.
“Yet, desire for Medjugorje exists all the time, but there is also safety when we know that we can come back here, filled with hope and prayer, that those that you pray for will be able to come here, in God’s time and in His plan, and we will be able to witness Medjugorje to them”, said Roberta.
Boris Peterlin remembered a period when people spoke about Medjugorje thirty years ago. He was listening to their testimonies and that was the beginning for him. After that, there was a long period when he was not coming at all and his first personal encounter with Medjugorje took place seven years ago. “I came one summer with my wife, for a day, we were at the Croatian coast. When we came next time, we decided to stay for two days. All together, we were here four times.” He said that we as pilgrims all think that each one of is a special person, but when we come here, we realise that we are all the same, since we come to the place where Heaven and earth are brought  together.
Medjugorje Official


How Will You Answer?

Published on Aug 27, 2012 by

On August 28, 2012 the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA List) announced the launch of a $150,000 television ad campaign across Missouri highlighting President Obama's extreme record on abortion and featuring abortion survivor Melissa Ohden. Missouri has recently been at the center of the conversation on abortion.

"In light of the recent national discussion over abortion, it's important Americans know the President's best-kept secret: his extreme record on abortion. Melissa Ohden's powerful story draws a stark contrast to his unbending support of abortion and the abortion industry and reveals the human face to this debate." said SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser. "President Obama's appalling record on abortion is not just limited to his four votes to deny rights to abortion survivors but spans to his recent heartless refusal to support bans on sex-selection and late-term abortions. These actions fly in the face of mainstream American views and run counter to the President's first term pre-election talk of finding common ground. Recent polling reveals the majority of Americans support bans on these horrific practices."

The ad, which will air in media markets across Missouri, can be seen here. A partial script reads:

Ohden: I was aborted, and my body discarded...like I didn't exist.

But a nurse heard me crying...and cared enough to save my life.

There's something else you may not know...when he was in the Illinois State Senate, Barack Obama voted to deny basic constitutional protections for babies born alive from a failed abortion. Not once, but four times.

I know that it is by the grace of God I am alive today...if only to ask America this question:

Is this the kind of leadership that will move us forward? Leadership that would discard the least and the weakest among us?

Medjugorje, Youth Festival 2012 "This is the day the Lord has made"

Published on Aug 26, 2012 by  

Youth Festival in Medjugorje 03.08.2012. Song of Medjugorje.
Thank you for Media Mir Medjugorje. Production MEDIA MIR MEĐUGORJE


Marija: Above All The World Needs Prayer

By Jakob Marschner

Many people are so distant from God that their souls are dead. What is lacking is prayer, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti said after passing on the Virgin Mary’s recent message. She laments the separation of pilgrims from pansion owners with whom they prayed in Medjugorje’s early days.

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Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti during an apparition

Though needs are many, more than any other thing the world of today is in grave need of prayer, visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti told Radio Maria on August 25.

“Above all, what I see that is lacking in today’s world is prayer which gives birth to joy and love, and joy for life and its transmission” Marija said.

“Today, unfortunately, we are so distant from God. Our soul is dead, and we have no feelings for God.  We have closed the door, the gate, everything. We don’t have the feeling or desire. Many times the soul is dead, and when it is, it has no sensitivity towards prayer.”

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Medjugorje in the early days of the apparitions when everything was primitive, but pilgrims still prayed with pansion owners, a condition Marija wishes would return

“On the contrary, the ones who have a feeling towards prayer feel as if it is their own breath, as a need. Thank Heaven that Medjugorje has put this need in many people. Thank Heaven that, for so many years, there are so many prayer groups that persist, that still pray, that still adore Jesus and honor Mary” the visionary further said.

But even in Medjugorje conditions were better in the early days of the apparitions than now, Marija recounted:

fr father padre livio fanzaga director direttore radio maria
Marija’s conversation partner, Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga

“Do you remember the early years when the pilgrims had to sleep in houses? The parishioners would offer a simple farm-home style breakfast but first there would be a prayer” she told Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga.

“Now there are pansions and hotels with separate quarters for the owners, and the attitude is different, but in the early years the response was family prayer; and a family that prays, loves. A family that prays is united” Marija said.

“During the first months Our Lady would invite us to choose holiness. She named learning to pray, the choice of holiness, and our conversion. In the beginning it was personal, and she would ask us to change our lives.”

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Almost 20 years younger, but traveling the world with the same message as today: Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti addressing a crowd in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in 1993

“She wanted prayer groups of youth, married couples and elderly, and our parish adhered strongly, thank God. Our Lady requested and the parish responded, and this was a big grace” the seer remembered.

“Above all, now that August is coming to a close and we begin a new rhythm as the schools will open again, we will say: Starting today we will begin praying together, and as Our Lady says, do a reading from Sacred Scriptures kept in a visible place, and begin a new life” Marija ended her monthly message commentary.

“This is my wish for you with all my heart – because then the Lord will give us a hundredfold.”

Antonio Miraldi transcribed and translated from Italian

The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

The Passion of Saint John the Baptist

Herodias harbored a grudge against him and wanted to kill him. (Mark 6:19)

What do I pass on to my children, my friends, and the other people I lead and influence? Today’s readings present a stark choice.

Herodias certainly knew how to influence her husband Herod. All she had to do was play on his weak­nesses. Divorced from Herod’s brother and now married to Herod, she was angry at the forthright way John the Baptist denounced their adultery. Although John fascinated Herod, his wife prevailed upon him to arrest John and throw him in prison, but this wasn’t enough for her—she wanted to get rid of him!

Not content to nurse her own grudge in secret, Herodias passed it on to her daughter Salome, and even used her as the bait to snare her hus­band. No doubt, Salome absorbed both her mother’s hatred for John and her lascivious tendencies, as we can see from her willingness to dance for Herod, and from the fact that she had no problem demanding the pris­oner’s head on a platter!

The contrast couldn’t be greater. On the one hand, we have Herodias: conniving, manipulative, and mali­cious. On the other hand, we have John the Baptist: honest and forth­right, never stooping to deception in order to achieve his goals. Herodias was concerned only about silencing the voice of conscience so that she could continue living as she wanted. John was committed to proclaiming a repentance that could both cleanse the conscience and place people on the path toward godliness. Herodias was concerned only for herself. John was concerned for the people of Israel and the glory of the God he worshipped. Herodias was hell-bent on getting her way. John was heaven-bent on getting God’s way.

So what do others absorb from me? Do I exude pettiness and bit­terness? Do I have a critical spirit that shifts the blame to others? Or do those who hang around me pick up nobility, gratitude, faith, gener­osity, and love? Whether we know it or not, people learn from us every day. If we choose, we can pass on to them the character of Christ!

“Father, I want to share your love with others. Cleanse me from selfishness so that I can pass on the rich heritage of faith you have given to me!”

2 Thessalonians 3:6-10, 16-18; Psalm 128:1-2, 4-5


Turbulence, in the Sky and in the Church

Turbulence, in the Sky and in the Church
I don’t recall if it was on my flight to or from my Florida vacation this summer, but at one point the pilot announced, “Folks, we expect to be passing through a little turbulence in a few moments, so we’d like you to return to your seats and check your seatbelts to be sure that they’re securely fastened.
And please remain seated for the duration of the flight.” Now, if you fly very often you’ve probably heard similar announcements. Turbulence isn’t at all unusual. It’s caused by unstable air that’s often found on the edge of a thunderstorm, or while passing through a cloud bank or flying over mountains. Turbulence usually isn’t harmful to the plane which is built to withstand tremendous forces, but it can be dangerous if unsecured bodies or other objects fly around the cabin.
It strikes me that the turbulence in the air is a fitting image of the turbulence in the Church these days. And in this case it’s being generated by both external and internal forces.
First, the Church is being buffeted by external forces found in the changing winds of our contemporary world.
These include threats to religious freedom, in our own country where the federal government is interfering in the life of the Church, and even more dramatically in other countries where Christians are being attacked – suffering violence and even death – simply for being Christian and practicing their faith. Another source of turbulence for the Church is the relentless challenge to traditional moral values which are pivotal for the Church and society – the dignity of human life and the definition of marriage for example. And we know that the Church is passing through the dark clouds of secularism, atheism and hedonism that make the living-out of the Christian Faith more perilous everyday.
But some of the turbulence is coming from unsettling forces within the Church too.
Here I think of the rapid decrease in sacramental practice among the faithful – with fewer Catholics attending Sunday Mass, young couples living together without the blessing of marriage, parents not having their children baptized and educated in the faith, and more of the faithful even eschewing the traditional funeral rites of the Church.
The Church suffers today from the widespread lack of knowledge and understanding of the fundamental doctrines and moral tenets of the Catholic Faith. So many, even among the faithful, are unable to explain what the Church teaches and why, often leaving it to the secular media to present and apply our doctrines.
The Church is roiled with controversies among its members, with headlines and the blogosphere pitting the “Vatican against the Nuns,” with priests in Western Europe defying their bishops and disobeying key teachings and disciplines of the Church, and even the Vatican itself seemingly unable to govern – with backroom intrigue, public conflict among senior prelates, investigations of the Vatican Bank, and leaked confidential documents of the Pope.
Is there any question that these are turbulent times for the Church? How does one survive the journey through the unfriendly skies the Church is navigating?
Well, the first thing is to keep some historical perspective. The Church, like the planes in which we travel, is built to withstand the significant turbulence that’s part of our journey, and has done so for two-thousand years. As challenging as these times are, there have been worse, much worse, and the Church has survived both the external attacks on its existence and mission, as well as the embarrassing defects of its all-too-human leaders and members.
Some are now predicting (perhaps hoping for) the total collapse of the Catholic Church. Consider this quote: “People look upon the Church and say, ‘she is about to die. Soon her very name will disappear. There will be no more Christians; they have had their day.’”
It’s instructive to note, however, that this description of the dying Church was used by St. Augustine 1600 years ago! It reminds us that our moment in history is but one brief passage in the long and rich history of the Church.
Second, we can point to all the good things the Church represents and does every day. Even during these discomforting times the Catholic Church is a large, diverse and vibrant community with many, many dedicated and fully-engaged clergy, religious and laity. The Church continues to offer a positive and fulfilling perspective of human life and illuminates the path to eternal salvation. More than any other institution on the planet, the Catholic community provides a vast array of pastoral services, educational opportunities and social services – genuine expressions of charity, justice and peace – in our own country and around the globe. It’s important to be aware of and proud of all the good the Catholic Church does every day!
And finally, we should remember that the Church has survived the years and continues to carry on its mission because it’s so much more that just another human organization. The Church was founded by Christ and is guided by the Holy Spirit. While its members are human, its mission is divine. “Behold, I am with you always, until the end of time,” Jesus promised.
So, fellow traveler, be of good cheer. Do not be afraid. Without a doubt the Church will survive the turbulent skies of the moment and will arrive safely at its final destination. But in the meantime, fasten your seatbelts. Might be some rough skies ahead!


Our Lady's message to Marija of August 25, 2012

Dear children! Also today, with hope in the heart, I am praying for you and am thanking the Most High for every one of you who lives my messages with the heart. Give thanks to God’s love that I can love and lead each of you through my Immaculate Heart also toward conversion. Open your hearts and decide for holiness, and hope will give birth to joy in your hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call. August 25, 2012
Sing Alleluia to the Lord  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1yD10i8H3x0

U.S. Capitol Tour with David Barton

You learn something new every day. It seems that our country turned a blind eye to religion?

Ivan: Government Without God Is Anarchy

By Jakob Marschner

God gives power to presidents for them to work for peace, and the result is anarchy when they ignore it, says Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic. He warns that Satan is stronger than ever and especially wants to destroy families and youth because they are the foundation of a new world.

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Ivan Dragicevic

Presidents and other rulers all have their power from God, but too many exploit it for their own purposes, and the consequences are disordered societies, Medjugorje visionary Ivan Dragicevic told Radio Maria in an interview on August 14.

“Without God, the world has no future. For this reason Our Lady invites us to return to God, set out into the future with God, so we can be sure we will have peace, and there will be more harmony” Ivan opened this section of his conversation with Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga.

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The Virgin Mary battling Satan. That this time sees an intensification of this age-old struggle was revealed by Mary early on during her apparitions in Medjugorje. In saying that Satan has singled out the families as a main target of his, Ivan is in agreement with Vatican top exorcist Fr. Gabriele Amorth who has called the destruction of families Satan’s main strategy of this time

“You see, God gave power to many presidents of states, so to speak, because they have this power in order to promote and work for peace, for the common good, for the good of all mankind, and for the good of the individual states. But every government without God and all power without God is anarchy. It is so to say a cheating government. Therefore it is very important that God is present, and that God is in first place in the government” Ivan continued.

Partly because awareness of this is missing in too many places, peace is continuously endangered, the Medjugorje seer further said while underlining that the godless vacuum has given Satan room as never before:

“Peace in the world is definitely still in danger. Because the greatest war is in the human heart. Because the human heart is not in harmony with God’s peace, it is not at peace with other people. This is why we must dedicate ourselves to culturing the heart, and pray more and more for these intentions.”

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Ivan with Franciscan priest Fr. Ljubo Kurtovic. The Virgin Mary has given Ivan a special mission of praying for priests, and Ivan habitually opens his chapel for priests to attend his apparitions

“I must say that Satan is present as never before in the world. What we have to highlight especially now is that Satan wants to destroy families and wants to destroy young people because young people and families are the foundation of the new world. And I would like to say one more thing: Today, Satan wants to destroy even the Church itself, there are also priests who don’t do things well” Ivan said.

“Satan wants to destroy that priestly vocations are born. We must pray about this. In a special way, I would like to highlight these two very important intentions: the first is the family and the young people. The second is the members of the Church and vocations.”         http://is.gd/h6GLLA



"I will teach transgressors Your ways, and sinners shall return to You." -Psalm 51:15

Do you regret having committed certain sins? Have you let your past sins make you feel "dirty"? The Lord has promised "to cleanse you from all your impurities" (Ez 36:25). "Though your sins be like scarlet, they may become white as snow; though they be crimson red, they may become white as wool" (Is 1:18).
The Lord will tread underfoot our guilt and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea (Mi 7:19). "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He put our transgressions from us" (Ps 103:12). He will thoroughly wash us from our guilt (Ps 51:4) and create a clean and new heart for us (see Ps 51:12; Ez 36:26). The Lord will simply forget all our sins (Ez 18:22), if we only repent and ask His forgiveness.
"I tell you, there will likewise be more joy in heaven over one repentant sinner than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to repent" (Lk 15:7). The Lord wants to run out to sinners, throw His arms around them, kiss them, give them gifts, and have a special dinner in their honor (see Lk 15:21ff).
However, the Lord does not force His love, affection, and forgiveness on us. We must open the door by repenting. Go to Confession as soon as possible and let the Lord love and cleanse you.

 Father, forgive me for I know not what I do (see Lk 23:34).

 "The invited are many, the elect are few." -Mt 22:14

Ivan: The Secrets Will Test The Church

By Jakob Marschner

When the Virgin Mary’s 10 prophetic secrets unfold, there will be a great trial for The Catholic Church, for the world and for people’s faith alike – and a little bit of it is already here, says Medjugorje seer Ivan Dragicevic who urges people to pray for Mary’s plans, even without knowing them.

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Ivan Dragicevic

Trials and tests will increase for The Catholic Church by the time when the Virgin Mary’s 10 prophetic secrets entrusted to the Medjugorje visionaries are being fulfilled. And a foretaste is already present, visionary Ivan Dragicevic told Radio Maria on August 14.

“Ivan, is it right to say that the time of secrets will be a time of great trial for the Church and for the world?” Radio Maria director Fr. Livio Fanzaga asked.

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Fr. Livio Fanzaga, director of Radio Maria

“Absolutely so. I completely agree. With regard to the secrets we cannot say anything. I can only say that it is a very important time. In a particular way it is an important time for the Church. We should all pray for this” Ivan answered.

- Will it be a time of test of people’s faith?

“A little bit is already present now” the seer replied.

Pope Benedict XVI 16 Year of Faith
Pope Benedict XVI announced The Year of Faith on October 16th 2011. It will begin on October 11th this year, and end on November 24th 2013

- And perhaps it is for this reason Pope Benedict XVI, inspired by Madonna, has announced “The Year of Faith”?

“I think the Pope is being guided directly by the Virgin Mary’s hand, and in this he certainly is in agreement with you. He guides his Church, and what happens here is being transmitted to the whole world.”

To have everything unfold in the best way possible, Ivan recommends and urges people to pray for the Virgin Mary’s intentions. He says he does not know the totality of the Virgin’s plan, but that this does not relieve neither him nor others from being co-responsible for its fulfillment:

virgin mary our lady tihaljina medjugorje
Ivan: “I do not know what the Virgin Mary’s plan is exactly about, but that does not mean that I do not have to pray for the realization of this plan. We do not need to know everything, but we have to pray and seek to fulfill Our Lady’s requests.”

“The Madonna has a plan for the world. Our Lady has a plan with the Church. Our Lady has a plan for this parish. But she invites us all to participate because each of us is a part of this plan. And Our Lady says, “I am with you, and with you I want to realize this plan. Therefore, decide for good, fight against sin and evil” Ivan told Radio Maria.

“You see, when we talk about this plan of the Madonna, I can say I do not know what this plan is exactly about, but that does not mean that I do not have to pray for the realization of this plan. We do not need to know everything, but we have to pray and seek to fulfill Our Lady’s requests. If the Madonna wants this, we must accept this request of Our Lady.”     http://is.gd/HugsID


Black and White, Dark and Light

Black and White, Dark and Light
By June Klins
   As my roommate, Chris, and I sat on the benches near the Risen Jesus statue behind St. James Church in Medjugorje on June 13, we noticed a mean-looking black dog walk into the area. Although I did not see this, others reported seeing the dog jump up and grab a box that a lady had in her lap. He reportedly clamped his teeth into it and would not let go. Then he left. Soon afterwards, a friendly-looking white dog came into the same area. Chris whispered to me regarding the contrast of the two dogs.
   When I finished praying the Rosary, I took some pictures of the Risen Jesus statue. It was approaching 9:30 P.M. and was dark by then. The first picture came out with many “orbs” around the Risen Jesus. Our guide later told us that  visionary Vicka says that those “orbs” are angels. I took another picture less than a minute later, and it came out with a bright blue sky looking like daylight! Chris and I were flabbergasted at these pictures.  We left the area and headed towards the back of the church to get a seat for the Adoration service which was to start at 10 P.M. 
   When we got over to the church, we met some members of our pilgrimage group. Chris told me to show them the pictures I had just taken. They got all excited and told me to show them to another group member, named Mary Jane, because she had gotten the same exact result when she took pictures of the Risen Jesus around the same time. First she got a picture with the orbs, and then she got the daylight picture!  This proved to all of us that it was not a malfunction of our individual cameras.
   Soon it was time for the Adoration service to begin. This has always been my very favorite part of the Medjugorje experience – praising Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament with people from all over the world. The peace is indescribable.
   We were not there for very long when, suddenly, I noticed out of the corner of my eye, that the black dog from earlier ran by me, down the aisle between the benches. Right after the black dog ran the white dog. All of a sudden, you could hear fierce growling, and people who had been kneeling in the aisles began screaming and jumping out of the way. So much for peace!  I had been kneeling and was forced to jump back onto the bench as people jumped back into my space. Then just as quickly as it started, it seemed to stop.
  It was peaceful again, but not for long. Pretty soon there was a very loud shrieking that was utterly un-human. It did not take long to realize there was a possessed person nearby. It was very unsettling, and I would presume that after hearing that, there was not a soul there who would not believe in the existence of the devil.  I felt very sorry for this possessed person. I prayed and prayed for him. The shrieking went on, and on and on. It seemed to go on almost the whole hour. I never looked at my watch, so I don’t know. It did finally stop towards the end of the holy hour.
    Later, some members of our group told us that they were in the vicinity of this possessed person, and that there were many priests gathered around him praying. At the end, they took this person and stood him in front of the Monstrance, and moved him each time the priest blessed an area with the Monstrance.  One of our group members remembered seeing this person inside the church before Adoration. People were praying over him in front of the statue of Our Lady. I can only guess that this person’s family brought him to Medjugorje to be healed. Praised be Jesus that he seemed to be healed.
    When I returned from my pilgrimage, I began to reflect upon all of the events of that evening. I realized that in my six days in Medjugorje after that night, I never saw the black dog again, even though I did see the friendly white dog several times!  And when I told a subscriber named Cathy about my incredible photos, she suggested that the meaning of the photos was that “light will follow the darkness!”  At the time, it had not occurred to me to connect the dogs, the photos and the possessed person.  But then it all came together when I read a powerful message Our Lady gave on March 14, 1985. If we would all heed this message, then we can help hasten the promise Our Lady made in Fatima – the promise hinted at by the white dog, the daylight photo, and the healed man:  “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
   "Dear children! In your life you have all experienced light and darkness. God grants to every person to recognize good and evil. I am calling you to the light which you should carry to all the people who are in darkness. People who are in darkness daily come into your homes. Dear children, give them the light! Thank you for having responded to my call."(3/14/85)  
Source: http://www.spiritofmedjugorje.org/                                               


We are Called to the Light
The following is an excerpt from a talk given by Fr. Slavko Barbaric on June 6, 1986.

   Why is there so much darkness? You are not created for darkness. In the beginning there was the light, but sin brought darkness. Our Lady makes us once more aware that we are the light; we are called to the light and not to darkness.  Every sin extinguishes the light and brings darkness.  Why are there so many troubles in families?  Why are there so many divorces?  Why so many abortions?  Why many other disasters?  Why so much alcohol and so many drugs?  Darkness – darkness in our hearts, darkness in our families.  All these troubles happen in darkness, not in the light.  So we need the light then, but we are still a long way off from becoming the reflection and becoming the light. But we must not despair. If Our Lady is inviting us to the light, She is calling us to conversion, which means growing in the light and growing in love.  Our Lady is offering Herself here, and Her love, and wants to lead us to Jesus, Who is the Giver of all gifts.  Our Lady is the Mediatrix for all gifts. 
Source of this article  http://www.spiritofmedjugorje.org/   


August in Medjugorje


There are numerous pilgrims in Medjugorje even after the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Information Office registered groups from Italy, Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ireland, England, the United States, France, Spain, Lebanon, New Zealand, Hungary, Ukraine, Korea and Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our journalists spoke to Fr. Richard Offong, assistant parish priest from London who takes care of people from Nigeria who live there. This is his first coming to Medjugorje. “I feel motherly emotions that Our Lady extends to us here and I am proud to be one of her children. I am really happy here. I hope to be back again, to renew myself. There are 42 of us in a group with three priests and two nuns. All of us are from Nigeria apart from two from Gana, but we are all living in London.” Fr. Richard heard about Medjugorje long ago and he said: “I heard that this is the place where Our Lady appeared and where she gives messages. Her messages are messages of conversion, change of the way of life. Here we can see so many confessionals in various languages.  Families are reconciling, husbands come to peace with their wives and children with their parents. Some people told me that after the confession here they are planning to change their lives and that is so moving. Medjugorje is hope for the future of the world.”
This is just one of many testimonies that witnesses grace that has been poured from Medjugorje to the whole world.  Medjugorje Official


Mladifest/Youth Festival 2012 Official Video.

Published on Aug 16, 2012 by

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Published on Aug 17, 2012 by

"A MUST SEE DOCUMENTARY" - Wayne Weible, Bestselling Author


Visit WWW.MEDJFILMS.COM to purchase "Queen of Peace" - a new documentary on the extraordinary events taking place in the village of Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Copyright 2012, Bambiina LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Medjugorje: During the Feast of the Assumption

During the Feast of the Assumption, one of my sisters (Flavia) was praying on Podbrdo during evening Mass. She and other people saw something unusual in the sky. It was a huge illuminated cross. She said it looked like it was made of fire. There was not a cloud in sight. (See the photo).
Dearest Gospa, O Immaculate Mary, vested with the immense mercy of God, please help us seize the true Light and hate the sin, which disfigures your children.
Sister Emmanuel


Pray More Than Ever

August 17, 2012 A.D.

A mother always knows her children, and when one of her little ones is hurt or missing, she always knows them by their cry, even if she can’t see them, and she sends out her call and looks diligently to gather them all together, under one roof, and safe from every danger. Our Lady, the Perfect Mother, has called Her children together tonight, some faithful, some wavering, perhaps some missing, but each crying out in their souls, and their cry recognized by the Mother; and they gathered under the vault of heaven, with the stars as the witness of each man, called from every corner of the world, each from his own land, as if summoned to be with the Mother. Tonight, thousands were present at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain in Medjugorje as Our Lady appeared during Ivan’s prayer group; and as the time of the Rosary approached, every space around the Blue Cross and surrounding area would be filled. The Rosary began around 9:30 PM, with singing between the decades. Our Lady appeared around 10:00 PM, and She stayed for a little over five minutes, a five minutes in which Heaven was opened in a special way to listen to the prayer of every heart in union before Our Lady, and every heart brought there only in prayer.
In Our Lady’s Love,
A Friend of Medjugorje

August 17, 2012, Apparition at the Blue Cross on Apparition Mountain
with Medjugorje Visionary Ivan

Following is Ivan’s description of the apparition of August 17, 2012:
“Tonight, as every day after meeting with Our Lady, I would like to share with you what is the most important from tonight’s meeting with Her. Tonight Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy and at the beginning as always She greeted us all with Her Motherly greeting, “Praised be Jesus, my dear children.”
Then Our Lady said:
‘Dear children, also today, in a special way I call you to pray for my priests, for my beloved; to pray for the bishops and for the Holy Father. Pray, dear children, for my shepherds. Pray more than ever. The Mother prays together with you and is with you, therefore persevere in prayer and pray together with me for my intentions. Thank you dear children, also today, for having responded to my call.’
Our Lady then for a while with Her arms extended, prayed over all of us here. In a special way She prayed over the sick present here. She then blessed all of us with Her Motherly Blessing and blessed all religious articles brought for blessing. I then recommended all of you, all your needs, all your intentions, all your families and especially all the sick. Our Lady then continued to pray for a while, with Her arms extended, over all those present here. Especially, for a while, She prayed for priests present and priests generally. She then left in prayer, in an illuminated Sign of the Cross with a greeting, “Go in peace, my dear children.”
I would like to emphasize that tonight Our Lady called us all “more than ever” especially to pray for priests, the bishops and the Holy Father.”


Medjugorje Apparition of August 2, 2012

Mirjana gives to a girl a rosary after the apparition
Postby pablovb » Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:18 pm
what a beautiful video, after the aparition of the 2 august during the youth festival Mirjana gives a rosary to a italian young girl telling her :"su di voi mondo rimarrà" wich means:" world will be upon You"(Mirjana ussually says that the youth is the future of the world.) the girl end up crying with excitement!!
so there is still hope


Wednesday, August 15, 2012, Assumption

"My spirit finds joy in God my Savior." -Luke 1:47

The well-known prayer, "Litany of the Blessed Virgin," addresses Mary as the "cause of our joy." This title of Mary is most appropriate for today's feast of her Assumption into heaven.
Mary's entire being found joy in the Lord (Lk 1:46). She spread that joy to others, even the pre-born baby John, who leapt "for joy" at the sound of Mary's voice as she carried Jesus into their home in her womb (Lk 1:44). Mary was also present in the upper room at Pentecost (see Acts 1:14ff) and surely exulted with joy as her Spouse, the Holy Spirit, filled the apostles, who then brought three thousand people into the Church.

Finally, Mary "was taken up body and soul into heavenly glory" "She already shares in the glory of her Son's Resurrection, anticipating the resurrection of all members of His Body". She has been "exalted by the Lord as Queen over all things, so that she might be the more fully conformed to her Son." Her assumption is a sign of sure hope (Lumen Gentium, 68, Vatican II) that Jesus will raise us up to live with Him forever.
The Lord in His word commands us to rejoice with Mary as she is honored today. Since Mary "is honored, all the members share [her] joy."We are to "rejoice with" her. Mary would be the first to proclaim: "Rejoice in the Lord always! I say it again. Rejoice!" (Phil 4:4) Rejoice with Mary, the "cause of our joy."

Prayer: Holy Spirit, some Christians respond to the joy of Your spouse, Mary, with disdain. Convert their frowns into smiles of joy today.

Women Stands Up From Her Wheelchair

By Jakob Marschner

For 14 years, the Belgian woman Pascale Gryson-Selmeci suffered from a rare and incurable disease that took away her speech and tied her to a wheelchair. Early this month she went to Mass in Medjugorje, felt a force come through her, spoke to her husband, and stood up from her chair.
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St. James Church in Medjugorje where Pascale Gryson- Selmeci stood up from her wheelchair on August 3
Countless people watched in awe on August 3 when a Belgian woman stood up from her wheelchair, seemingly cured from her incurable illness after receiving Communion during the evening Mass in Medjugorje.
Pascale Gryson-Selmeci suffered from leukoencephalopathy, a rare disease with symptoms resembling those of multiple sclerosis. For 14 years, the condition of the Belgian wife and mother grew progressively worse. The last year until her visit to Medjugorje, she was unable to speak.
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Inside St. James Church in Medjugorje. Pascale Gryson-Selmeci and her husband were in the back of the church when she realized that she was cured after 14 years of illness
“A few months ago, my husband David and I felt an urgent call to go to Medjugorje without knowing what the Virgin Mary had prepared for us as an absolutely irresistible attraction. The great call surprised me, especially the fact that both my husband and myself felt it with the same intensity” she tells info.catho.be
In the late afternoon on August 3, , Pascale Gryson-Selmeci and her husband went to Mass, despite her fatigue and exhaustion. It was a few days into their Medjugorje pilgrimage.
“I left without a respirator, as the several kilograms weight of this unit on my knees had become unbearable. Upon our arrival, I began to implore the Holy Spirit in joy I can not express. I asked Him to take possession of my whole being. I expressed my renewed desire to belong to Him, body, soul and spirit” Pascale Gryson-Selmeci says.
“The celebration continued to the Communion, I was waiting with intensity. My husband took me to the queue at the back of the church. A priest crossed the aisle with the Body of Christ. He went immediately to my husband and myself, surpassing all others.”
“We moved away to make room for the other communicants and begin our thanksgiving. I felt a very strong and sweet fragrance. Then I felt a force move through me, not heat, but a strength. Unused muscles of my legs were crossed by a stream of life” the Belgian woman tells.
“So I said to God: “Father, Son, Holy Spirit, if You are doing what I believe to achieve this unthinkable miracle, then I ask You for a favor and sign: Make me communicate with my husband.”
“I turned to my husband and tried to tell him: “Do you smell the perfume?”. He said, in the most natural way: ‘No, my nose is a little stuffy!’ I say ‘natural way’, because he had not heard my voice for a year! To wake him up, I said ‘Hey! I mean, do you hear me?’
“There I knew that God had done His work, and in an act of faith, I pulled my feet from my chair and I stood up. All around us people realized what was happening” Pascale Gryson-Selmeci tells.
“In the days that followed, my condition improved by the hour. I no longer want to sleep all the time, and the pains due to my illness gave way to aches from physical exertion that was impossible for 7 years.”
Pascale Gryson-Selmeci is pretty much aware of her priorities now when her incurable disease no longer afflicts her.
“My greatest wish, which is also that of my husband, is to prove faithful to the Lord, His grace as far as we can, not to disappoint Him. So to be really practical, what seems clear now is that I will be able to assume my responsibility and my life as a mom and wife. This is a priority” she says.
“My expectation is also deep to lead a life of prayer and contemplation alongside this terrestrial life. I will also be able to answer all the people who ask me for help, whatsoever. And also to demonstrate the love of God in our lives.”

Many Saw Cross Form in Medjugorje Clouds

By Jakob Marschner

For individual discernment: Shortly after 7 pm on August 15, many pilgrims and local Medjugorje citizens noticed how a Cross appeared in the sky. Though the Cross formation initially looks like chemtrails from airplanes crossing each other, eye witnesses tell it appeared in the clouds.
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The Cross appeared shortly into the evening Mass on the Feast of the Assumption. Photo: Facebook
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The existence of photos taken by several people excludes manipulation. Photo: Facebook
cross light appeared sky skies medjugorje august 15 2012
The Cross was visible all around Medjugorje, here from near The Blue Cross. Photo: Facebook
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The Cross seen from the parking lot next to St. James Church in Medjugorje. Photo: MaryTV
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The Cross captured by yet another photographer. Many grabbed for their camera. Photo: Facebook


A Spiritual Renewal by Alberta Sequeira

Published on Aug 11, 2012 by
A Spiritual Renewal is a beautiful story which follows the author's inner thoughts and intense emotions. We sympathize as she fights the prognosis of her father's cancer and learns too late about his remarkable life. She develops a spiritual renewal and demonstrates its powerful lessons.
Available at:
Alberta Sequeira - http://www.albertasequeira.com
Amazon.com - http://www.amazon.com/Spiritual-Renewal-Journey-Medjugorje-ebook/dp/B008B9SN2Y

Medjugorje, Youth Festival 2012: "When you eat my body"

Published on Aug 9, 2012 by     

Youth Festival in Medjugorje 2012. Song: "When you eat my body".
Youth Festival in Medjugorje is held every year in early August. Come and hear the voice of God speaking to you. God wants to tell you that you are important / important in the eyes of God.
See you in Medjugorje.
Thank you for Media Mir Medjugorje.


The Sojourners

It began as a job to film the young adult members of the local Sojourners of the Burning Heart Prayer Group on their annual trip to Medjugorje. But, soon after arrival, filmmaker Steve Scaffidi’s voyage centered on self-exploration and his relationship with his son Stevie, 24, who accompanied him as a sound assistant.
The trip resulted in the 82-minute film, “The Sojourners,” debuting Feb. 29 at 7 p.m. at Notre Dame Seminary.
Scaffidi said the crux of the film began to be redefined after he fired his son three days into the shoot, and Stevie became just one of the young adults. Scaffidi, though, didn’t figure out the shifting focus until he began editing. He thought he would revisit participants a month after the trip to assess its impact on them.
Scaffidi’s son is captured several times on film declaring he is not a practicing Catholic and doesn’t expect anything to change during the trip, even as his father prods him throughout to help him rekindle his faith.
“There are some honest things in there, and we don’t hide them,” Scaffidi said.
How the film materialized
Scaffidi, 55, an award-winning filmmaker, was introduced to Medjugorje in the late 1980s when New Orleanians were discovering the town and its visionaries were receiving Mary’s messages. As a local TV station cameraman, he edited hours of footage shot when reporters Mary Lou McCall and Jim Bailey went on pilgrimages.
“I didn’t believe then,” he said. “I was not negative about Medjugorje but just jaded.”
While working with Sojourner director Tammy Dupuy and the MIR group’s Mimi Kelly editing the Spanish-version Medjugorje documentary “Beyond the Fields,” the idea to film a Sojourners documentary surfaced. Neither knew if it would pan out. Dupuy was worried Scaffidi would intrude on the private faith moments of the young adults, and Scaffidi worried about being controlled over what he could film. He did not want to make another promotional film about Medjugorje.
“The thought of having a camera in the face of the kids was daunting,” Dupuy said. “I’m real protective of them.”
“When I first met Tammy and Mimi, I didn’t know if they were going to put their hands on me and heal me or what,” Scaffidi said.
As Dupuy got to know Scaffidi, she began to feel more comfortable. She asked him, “When we get over there, are you willing to turn the camera on yourself and your son?”
His “yes” was all Dupuy needed.
Chronicles a faith journey
Dupuy said the film is not a documentary about Medjugorje.
“It’s about a faith journey of a father and son,” she said. “The Sojourners are the backdrop for hearts to be opened.”
“This is an honest documentary told through my eyes, and I have to tell it like it is,” Scaffidi said. “If I didn’t, nobody is going to care about this film. ... If I would have found a visionary on the trip was a fraud, I would have had to film it and would have gone in that direction. The (original) purpose of the film was to follow the 40 young people.”
Scaffidi was surprised about what he captured, especially the faith of the Sojourners.
 “I would call Tammy and tell her, ‘I have five minutes of gold’ and come see it, and it kept getting better and better. It was these little moments of gold, and I had to figure out how it flowed.”
Dupuy had editing approval but mostly acted as a fact checker for Scaffidi. She said the film’s honesty gave her some trepidation. But, it’s not a film targeted to theologians.
 “It’s a mainstream film that will make you cry, make you laugh and make you cheer,” Scaffidi said. “I think it’s going to reach people across the board, whether you are a practicing Catholic or not. It’s all about faith. It will reach you in a different way.”
He let events unfold
Scaffidi said he didn’t do much research in preparation for the film other than attend a few Sojourners meetings to get to know his subjects. He didn’t want to stage events or script interviews as is routine on a film shoot; he wanted spontaneity in Medjugorje.
“I think I made the greatest decision in my career not doing my homework,” he said. “It’s about discovering faith. Do you believe that there is something out there?”
The Sojourners formed in 2006 to travel to Medjugorje. The levels of spirituality of those who travel make each trip different, Dupuy said.
The group heard several visionaries, and Scaffidi tried to interview visionary Mirjana Dragicevic-Soldo, to no avail. But he captured her on video walking from her home through the crowd, praying the rosary, before she received Mary’s message. A guard with whom he tried to negotiate an interview handed him her rosary.
 “I’m the least likely to get this rosary,” Scaffidi said. “I hadn’t prayed the rosary in 20 years. I don’t pray it every day but have prayed it several times since.”
Among other poignant moments captured on film was a man on crutches climbing up the steep, rocky Cross Mountain in Medjugorje. Stevie actually took the camera and photographed this.
“If that guy can climb that mountain ... sometimes you have to see things like that to get a perspective on life,” Scaffidi said. “There is some incredible stuff in this film.”
Premiere is Feb. 29           
After the movie’s debut Feb. 29, Dupuy said she and Scaffidi will distribute it in a grassroots way, traveling to parishes throughout the state and region.
“We think it’s not only important for people to see the movie but also to hear the story and testimonies and do a question-and-answer session,” Dupuy said, “and then ask the question, ‘Am I on a faith journey? Let’s get committed to a group.’”
Dupuy thinks the movie will light a spark in bringing more youthful hearts to God.
“They will see a community. ... It will make them think about what they are doing in life – what is this faith thing all about?”
Since creating the website – beasojourner.com – and a blog, the Sojourners have received inquiries from California, Massachusetts, Kansas and Kentucky.
“We would like Sojourners to crop up all over the world,” she said. “It’s Catholic-based and under the authority of the church (under the MIR Group’s direction). The essence of the whole film is the Sojourner culture.”
Scaffidi said his faith journey continues.
“Never did I think I’d make a film like this,” he said. “To be part of what can be the Sojourner mentality ... if we can get people to just become better people, that’s huge.”
“We want people to be good people, but I want to see lives change to know Jesus Christ,” Dupuy said. “(Sojourners) believe the core is God. If we can put Christ in the center, everything else goes.”
            To find out more about the Sojourners of the Burning Heart, email:



Greeting from Cardinal Christoph Schonborn to the countless young people who have come to Medjugorje

cardinal christoph schonborn vienna austria greeting greeted medjugorje youth festival 2012
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna
During the opening ceremony, a greeting was read from Cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna:

“To the countless young people who have come to Medjugorje today, I send my cordial greetings and blessings. It fills me with joy and admiration that you take all the trouble to come to this so hot and secluded place where you do not expect a sea beach or a pool, but where a Mother is waiting for you, Our Lady, whom each of you know and love” the Cardinal stated, according to the Catholic news agency kathnet.

“I wish you to experience Our Lady’s loving closeness and the joy of reconciliation in the Sacrament of penance. And a wonderful time of fellowship in the Church that is alive and gives us a home” Cardinal Schönborn added.


Mladifest Official Video,Youth Festival, Medjugorje.

Published on Jun 6, 2012 by
Youth Festival in Medjugorje ~~ why isn't the Catholic Press reporting on this!! This is such great news, the young gathered around Our Lady in such great numbers~~ the future of our Church!! I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.  Maureen

Pastor: Rome Could Not Ignore Medjugorje

By Jakob Marschner

The Vatican had to react to millions of people gathering in Medjugorje, and the current Commission works seriously because the members believe Medjugorje is already deeply integrated within the Church, says Medjugorje’s pastor who calls it “irresponsible” to claim the seers lie.
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Fr. Petar Vlasic with Bishop Ratko Peric of Mostar in May this year in Medjugorje. Photo: Mile Pavlovic, Brotnjo Online
Rome had no choice but to take up a thorough investigation of the events in Medjugorje, and the result was the March 17th 2010 announcement of the current Commission led by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, says Medjugorje’s parish priest.
“Neither the Pope, nor responsible Roman offices could overlook the phenomenon gathering millions of pilgrims in Medjugorje. Therefore, an advisable approach was carefully considered, and the Commission was established to thoroughly investigate” Fr. Petar Vlasic tells the Croatian daily Vecernji List.
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Pope Beenedict XVI appointed Cardinal Camillo Ruini (front) to head the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje
“They do their job seriously and are committed, because they believe that Medjugorje is deeply merged within the contemporary life of the Catholic Church” he further says of the Commission.
“We can not talk about satisfaction or dissatisfaction with their work. These are all serious religious people who care about truth and  the good of the Church” says Fr. Petar Vlasic.
“Irresponsible” to claim the seers lie
In defending the six Medjugorje visionaries, Fr. Petar Vlasic says it is “impossible to declare them liars”. Therefore, it is “irresponsible” to claim the seers are lying, or that their apparitions should be due to a diabolical influence, Fr. Petar Vlasic says, upon revisiting the visionaries’ life history:
“I think they played a vital role in everything from the very beginning. Since the beginning of their intrepid witnesses, they were not in any way embarrassed or intimidated by threats, or militia, or imprisonment, or harassment in school. They stood firm and upheld their original claims” Fr. Petar Vlasic says.
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Fr. Petar Vlasic was appointed parish priest of Medjugorje in 2007
“Claims of apparitions can not be verified, and science comes to its limits, but we can see the effects of their claim. Today they are adults in their forties, and it is impossible to declare them liars.”
“We recognize the fruits of their claims on a daily basis, and they are serious people with their families and children. And it is irresponsible to call them liars, or to attribute to them all the diabolical influence as some still do, even among the clergy” Medjugorje’s parish priest tells Vecernji List.


Dear Family of Mary

pilgrims on Cross Mountain
Cross Mountain filled with pilgrims!
August 6, 2012
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Dear Family of Mary!
At daybreak this morning, thousands of young people will join the Franciscan Priests of Medjugorje on the summit of Krizevic (Cross Mountain) for Holy Mass. It is the conclusion of the Mladifest (Youth Festival) in Medjugorje. After a beautiful and long night of prayer beginning with Holy Mass at St. James at 7:00 pm and ending with the trek up the mountain to greet the sunrise, these young people are receiving Jesus one more time in Holy Communion before they set off for home.
It is the same every year! The festival opens on August 1 and ends on August 6. The young people gather for a week of prayer, teachings, testimonies, adoration, processions, and finally Holy Mass on the top of the mountain. It must be a real experience of the Transfiguration for them. Like Jesus' Apostles, the youth have spent hours in prayer with Jesus. They have seen miracles that only Jesus could do, in the testimonies of the speakers. And now they are on the mountain with Him. He will surely reveal His glory to them. The miracle of the sun is one expression of that glory and many will see it this morning.
In Tea with Rosey for August 5, Rosey told us that she thinks the youth festival is a direct result of the fasting and prayer given to Our Lady for her "real" birthday on August 5. Many people choose to fast on August 2-4 in order to give Our Lady a gift on her birthday. I think that gift is the Youth Festival. What more could Our Mother want than to have all her young children gathered around her for 6 days of prayer and blessings? The Festival is a gift to Our Lady, given by those of us who pray and fast. Isn't that beautiful!!
On August 2, 2012 Our Lady said to us:
"Dear children, I am with you and I am not giving up. I desire to have you come to know my Son. I desire for my children to be with me in eternal life. I desire for you to feel the joy of peace and to have eternal salvation. I am praying that you may overcome human weaknesses. I am imploring my Son to give you pure hearts. My dear children, only pure hearts know how to carry a cross and know how to sacrifice for all those sinners who have offended the Heavenly Father and who, even today, offend Him, although they have not come to know Him. I am praying that you may come to know the light of true faith which comes only from prayer of pure hearts. It is then that all those who are near you will feel the love of my Son. Pray for those whom my Son has chosen to lead you on the way to salvation. May your mouth refrain from every judgment. Thank you."
All of Our Lady's desires and prayers are for the safety and eternal salvation of her children. These are the things she desires for the young people on the mountain this morning. And these are the things we can provide her through our prayer and fasting. Let's keep on praying for her intentions, so that she can provide graces for all the young people of the world! As the light rises over the mountain this morning, may it also rise over all the hearts of the world, bringing healing in its wings.
In Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
Cathy Nolan
©Mary TV 2012