
Catholics You Are Welcome to Come Home

Our Catholic faith is the largest Christian family in the world. Our Church is a vibrant and growing family, but we miss our brothers and sisters who have not been to Mass lately.
God loves you so much that He will not stop searching for you, reaching out to you, seeking you.
Saint Augustine, a convert to the faith at age 33, once said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
Jesus wants to invite you back into His big, warm and loving Catholic family in the Church He founded 2,000 years ago. He’s calling you home, but the choice is yours…
We are family. We’ve missed you. Welcome home!


The Holy Sacrament of Confession is alive and well in Medjugorje.

Confession lines in Medjugorje during Rosary and Croatian Mass March 25, 2010. Our Lady calls us, in Her message yesterday, “to be strong in prayer and in the moments when trials attack you.
Jakov, one of the six Medjugorje visionaries, says that the Sacrament of Confession is necessary to be able to live Our Lady’s messages. When he speaks to pilgrims who come to Medjugorje, he tells them, “Purify your hearts because only with pure and clean hearts will we be able to accept and to live what Our Lady has been inviting us to here.” Accept the invitation of Our Lady to go to Confession, during this Lenten season so with purified hearts, Our Lady will carry us before Jesus who will be our strength and support. Medjugorje.com


Easter Egg from the Heart to Medjugorje

Photo by Maria Vasilj
Easter egg from the heart” to Medjugorje
date: 22.03.2010.

Largest Croatian Easter egg, “Easter egg from the heart”, 2.05 m tall, 1.5 m wide, with a stand that is 120 kg heavy, gift of Koprivnica – Krizevci County, was officially exposed in front of the church of St. James in Medjugorje. This event was even more beautiful thanks to singing of Children Choir “Doves of Peace” and its leader Sr. Slavica Kozul from Medjugorje and Cultural Club from Koprinica. At the beginning of event Ivo Jerkic, Mayor of Citluk, gave a talk to everybody present. He said how he hopes that this “Easter egg from the heart” will be sign of friendship, that through Medjugorje it will send message of peace. Head of Koprivnica – Krizevci County, Darko Koren, said that project “Easter egg from the heart” was started in 2007, with desire that large Easter egg, symbol of friendship, love and joy of Easter is taken all over Croatia and rest of the world. These large Easter eggs were painted by naïve expression artists Djuro Jakovic, Drago Zufika, Josip Tot and Drago Kovacic. All together they gave life to these Easter eggs, as well as recognizable note of everyday life and tradition of Podravina region. Fr. Petar Vlasic, as Medjugorje parish priest and host, greeted everybody present and said: “This celebration and public exhibition of large Easter egg happens exactly at the time when Bjelovar and Krizevci, two Croatian towns, become even more related with foundation of new Bjelovar – Krizevci Diocese. This large Easter egg witnesses richness of Croatian expression, since Croatian people for many centuries grew into reality of our faith, into Jesus Christ, Crucified and Risen.” Some of the most famous naïve expression artists were born in the region of Koprivnica – Krizevci County. On Wednesday, March 17th 2010, Easter egg was also given as a gift to Holy Father, Benedict XVI. This Easter egg will remain in Medjugorje, in front of the church of St. James until Easter. Medjugorje Official


A Reflection of Our Lady's message of March 25, 2010 by Sr. Isabel

A Little Reflection (by Sr. Isabel)

The secret to living our Christian vocation in joy and humility can be found in our relationship with Jesus Christ. “Be strong in prayer” that’s the secret. So many times we run to Jesus or Mary when the going gets tough or there is sickness or some other kind of trial. Sporadic prayer doesn’t do much to strengthen our relationship with Jesus. He waits for us each day to come to Him, to praise Him, to honor Him and to ask for our needs. When our relationship is strong and growing deeper, we will be able to witness by the very lives we lead. Our Mother accompanies us as we draw closer to her Son, Jesus. We need her to show us the way. When we turn to her for help and honor her, we are honoring Jesus.

On this day when we celebrate the great feast of the Annunciation, we can rejoice because of Mary’s “Yes” and because of her great example of obedience to the Father’s will. She was a woman of prayer and thus was able to trust in the Father’s plan even though she didn’t understand it. May we also trust the Father’s plan for our lives, and rely upon Mary to be with us along the way. Then we will experience the strength and support of her Son, Jesus.


Our Lady's Medgugorje Message of March 25, 2010

“Dear children! Also today I desire to call you all to be strong in prayer and in the moments when trials attack you. Live your Christian vocation in joy and humility and witness to everyone. I am with you and I carry you all before my Son Jesus, and He will be your strength and support. Thank you for having responded to my call.”http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5PCDVZpnss by Pilgrim

Archangel Raphael by Fr. Joe Whalen


ArchangelRaphael25 — March 24, 2010 — The great Archangel Raphael whose name means Medicine of God in Hebrew; is one of the seven Archangels that stand before the throne of GOD chanting hymns of unending praise. When we pray for his help he intercedes directly to God the Father. He is one of the three angels mentioned by name in holy scripture. St. Raphael appears in the deutero-canonical Book of Tobit, a beautiful narrative in the Old Testament.He heals Tobit of blindness, he protects and guides Tobias on his travels and he delivers Sarah from an evil demon. Tobit, Tobias and Sarah were beset by trials and difficulties to purify them, but they remained steadfast in their faith during the period of testing, and eventually enjoyed Gods blessings and mercy. All prayed for deliverance and God sent St. Raphael.He is the healing and deliverance Archangel, and the patron of travelers, physicians, happy meetings and marriages. His feast day is September 29th.True friend, protector and powerful intercessor!


Fr. Joe Whalen, MS of Saint Raphael Healing Oil prays the Our Lady of LaSalette Memorare prayer.


March 22, 2010 — Fr. Joseph Whalen, MS prays the La Salette Memorare prayer and a brief story of the La Salette, France apparition, of September 19, 1846. Fr. Joseph Whalen is a La Salette missionary healing priest. His dramatic life story is a story of "how God writes straight with crooked lines!" His ministries are many and he is a champion of the sick, the elderly, drug addicts, alcoholics, families, and those in need. The charism of the La Salette's is Reconcilliation ... of compassion and mercy to the repentant;he is noted for his ability to hear confessions hour upon hour. Fathers message is to realize that Its Never Too Late to Live. Fr. Whalen conducts many healing services every year and his St. Raphael Healing Ministry is international. Fr. Whalen has spent his entire priesthood witnessing Christs healing presence and helping countless people to find hope in the midst of life's many challenges. http://www.straphaeloil.com/
Archangel Raphael- Fr. Joe Whalen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vjk7UAZKpNQ

Incredible Photo


An amazing picture became a message of faith in Spain . This was taken at the baptism of Valentino Mora, son of Erica, a single mom of 21 who asked the photographer to take a picture of her son for free.

The photo of the baptism of Valentino Mora is sweeping the Internet, because at the time the priest pours the Holy water over his head, the water flows in the shape of a rosary (see photo above).

This story began at the Parish of the Assumption of Our Lady in Cordova , Spain , where the baptism of a one month baby took place. At the time that Valentino came to the baptismal font for the sacrament of baptism, Erica asked the photographer Maria Silvana Salles, who was hired by other parents baptizing their babies, to take a photo of her son as a favor, since the young mother had no way of paying for it. The photographer, moved by Erica's request, agreed to take a photo of Valentino.

Maria Silvana works with a traditional camera and had to send the film to be developed to a shop in Cordova. When she received the photos, she noticed with surprise that the water poured from the head of Valentino was a perfect rosary.

The photo of the baptism of Valentino has awakened faith in the people of Cordova who come to the humble home of Erica and Valentino Mora to touch him.

The truth is that this sign of faith has mobilized this town in Cordova, whose neighbors go to Maria Silvana's store to buy the picture as if it were a prayer card.




We are currently completing a feature documentary about the events and miracle that happened in Fatima 1917 as a testimony to the people and events of Fatima. Our hope is that after watching ‘Finding Fatima’ viewers will be encouraged to go away and take the next step towards discovering more about Fatima for themselves. This is a brief overview of the feature documentary: The documentary explores the background behind the 3 children who witnessed visitations of the Virgin Mary in Fatima 1917, and who predicted the miracle of the sun which was witnessed by over 70,000 people along with prophesising many major world events. The in depth nature in which The story is portrayed is both absorbing and fascinating; It shows the journey that three children went on and how their courage and beliefs changed the face of Portugal. kind regards Joel Fletcher=www.findingfatimadvd.com

A Catholic Mom in Hawaii: Please Pray for the Protection of Life!#links

"As you know the President's health care reform bill may have the votes needed to pass (if you believe Washington and the MSM) so please pray, pray and pray that life be protected."

A Medjugorje Secret ?

BY WAYNE WEIBLE, March 18, 2010.

During the season of Lent, a time to renew our spiritual life and to offer up gifts of love to our God, there is no better gift than to reflect on our souls as to where we presently stand in the light of God's judgment. For surely, with so many prophesized warnings given by saints, seers and prophets throughout the ages of an exact time when every living being will see their souls exactly as God sees it-that is, all the good and all the bad accumulated in a lifetime up to that point-it will occur.
According to many related and recorded near-death experiences, this same grace happens at the moment of death or near-death; and, for those of us alive at the time when it occurs throughout the world to every living being, it will come without warning and we will experience the exact same grace. The difference is, we will have full, undeniable knowledge of the reality of God, and the free will choice to do something about it.
This holy grace of revelation as to where we stand in the judgment of God has generally been called "The Warning" or "The Illumination of the soul." Whatever one wishes to call it, it only makes sense that it is also one of the ten secrets the Blessed Virgin Mary has given to the visionaries of Medjugorje. It can be further stated that it is conceivably one of the three warnings that will be given at Medjugorje after the apparitions cease to occur, to let the world know that this event is from God and that He is real. The first three secrets are in fact the warnings. Since it has been revealed by way of personal messages received by the visionaries in the early days of the apparitions what two of the warnings are-even if purposely ambiguous-this could conceivably be the other.
The Illumination of the Soul will be like a spiritual x-ray that will reveal to each individual which path they are on: the path to damnation or the path to salvation. Man-kind will then have the free will to decide to follow the path to God or the path to Satan. Sadly, as the Blessed Virgin Mary has stated in her messages to various seers, some will still follow the path to damnation, even though they will know without doubt that God exists and that He loves every creature.
The credibility of the Illumination of the Soul (or The Warning) comes from a number of supernatural events. It was foretold to St. Catherine Laboure in 1830 (at Rue du BAC in Paris, France place of the Miraculous medal), to St. Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s (Divine Mercy Kracow, Poland), and to the four young seers of Garabandal, Spain, to whom Our Lady appeared many times from 1961-1965. Other visionaries have since spoken of it and there is general agreement that, as a result of this happening, millions of sinners will repent and be restored to grace. With the nearly 29 years of daily apparitions at Medjugorje and the thousands of messages of calling for repentance now, the battle lines between good and evil are more clearly drawn than ever before.
According to the visionaries of Garabandal, within one year of the Warning, or Illumination, a great miracle will occur in the skies over Garabandal involving a sign that they say can be seen and photographed but cannot be touched. The same has been related by the visionaries of Medjugorje. A permanent sign is to be left on Podbrdo Hill (Apparition Hill as we call it) where the apparitions of Medjugorje began. As at Garabandal, it can not be touched; does that mean it physically can not be touched or that it is forbidden to be touched? We do not know.
This permanent sign, they say, is the third warning, or the third secret of Medjugorje. They go a step further to report that the Virgin stated that the first warning, or secret, will be a great upheaval somewhere in the world. Again, there is no revelation as to whether it will be geographic, political or something else. Regardless, if a soul is not converted to God by this time, it will be too late.
With such knowledge given and verified so many times, our reaction based on faith and the confirmation of Medjugorje's messages, should be one of repentance. Repentance loosely defined is acknowledgment of not following the way of God as best we can. It can be interchanged with the words contriteness, regret and remorse.
Thus, Lent is our time to closely reflect as to where we stand with God now, not waiting for that fearsome event of Illumination of the soul; and then, of course, to do something about it.
According to a wide number of souls who have experienced near-death and have come so close to actual death, what they saw in their own judgments was so many little slights to others by word, thought and deed. These acts toward others appear to have great weight. Some of what we might consider to be the most trivial of things. As one woman who experienced near-death put it, she saw how every nice word or action created light that circled the world while each negative one did the opposite.
A great Catholic theologian named Father Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange once wrote that "at the moment of separation the soul knows itself without medium, on all its merits and demerits. It sees its state without possibility of error, sees all that it has thought, desired, said, and done, both in good and evil." The entire past, he said, is seen "in a glance." That is precisely what those who have been declared dead but then miraculously revived have reported.
As Our Lady has said so many times in her messages to us through Medjugorje, don't wait for the secrets before deciding to change and follow God. Do it now.
Lent is the time to begin the change.
May the peace, grace and love of Jesus be with each of us.


Special Message, of April 2, 2006 - Our Lady's apparitions to Mirjana

“Dear Children, I am coming to you, because, with my own example, I wish to show you the importance of prayer for those who have not come to know the love of God. You ask yourself if you are following me?

**My children, do you not recognize the signs of the times? Do you not speak of them? Come follow me. As a mother I call you. Thank you for having responded. ”

Why one must go to Medjugorje

A Few Hours From Now in Medjugorje...

Late this afternoon March 17, 2010. The picture of the Blue Cross empty of people who will begin arriving in the early morning in numbers that will go into the thousands for Mirjana’s 2:00 p.m. annual apparition. Why not a little sacrifice to witness world history. Everyone should go to Medjugorje. You are witnesses to history of such proportion as not been seen since the life, death, resurrection, of Christ and the death of the last apostle. For more on this, visit: Why One Must Go to Medjugorje Source-Medjugorje Com

Medjugorje: Mirjana's Annual Message

Mirjana’s Annual March 18, 2010 Message

“Dear children! Today I call you to love with all your heart and with all your soul. Pray for the gift of love, because when the soul loves it calls my Son to itself. My Son does not refuse those who call Him and who desire to live according to Him. Pray for those who do not comprehend love, who do not understand what it means to love. Pray that God may be their Father and not their Judge. My children, you be my apostles, be my river of love. I need you. Thank you.”

Mirjana added, "Our Lady was joyful. She blessed all those present and all the religious articles brought for blessing."


Planned Parenthood in 1952 said: Abortion Kills the Life of a Baby

Tuesday March 16, 2010

Planned Parenthood 1952: Abortion 'Kills the Life of a Baby,' Danger to Mother

By Peter J. Smith WASHINGTON, DC, March 16, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) –
It is an inconvenient fact. According to a pamphlet unearthed by the pro-life group Live Action, back in 1952, Planned Parenthood - today the largest abortion provider in the United States - told women that having an abortion was a danger to their lives, health, and fertility, and Kills a baby.
Live Action’s investigative journalists have uncovered the pamphlet from Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) that emphatically espoused an anti-abortion position, while explaining artificial birth control: “the use of medically approved methods to postpone pregnancy until you are ready for it."
The booklet is entitled “Plan Your Children for Health and Happiness.” The copy scanned and posted on Live Action’s website indicates it was distributed through Planned Parenthood of Iowa and dated to October 1952. The document's "frequently asked questions" section on birth control asked, “Is it an abortion?” “Definitely not,” Planned Parenthood said. “An abortion requires an operation. It kills the life of a baby after it has begun.” “It is dangerous to your life and health. It may make you sterile so that when you want a child you cannot have it. Birth control merely postpones the beginning of life.”
The explanation appears to run at variance with Planned Parenthood's current description of abortions prior to legalization in 1973 as dangerous due to illegality - rather than harmful in and of itself to both mother and unborn child. “The scientific fact that an abortion ends the life of a living human being isn’t so convenient these days for Planned Parenthood,” remarked David R. Schmidt, Media Director for Live Action, in a post accompanying the revealed PPFA pamphlet.
“They sure had a more accurate understanding of science before their twisted abortion ideology of today took over.”
LifeSiteNews.com attempted to reach PPFA for comment; however, calls were not returned by press time.
The PPFA document also reveals a shift in ideology over the intended consumers of birth control - rather than unmarried women, the pamphlet addressed women who wished to delay pregnancy until “you and your husband are well and able to take care of them.”


Collection of Pope John Paul II statements on Medjugorje.

Collection of John Paul II statements on Medjugorje


New detail: John Paul II had the nickname "Protector of Medjugorje" inside the Vatican. Also the article contains a fairly exhaustive list of his statements to bishops and priests about Medjugorje.
It also says the Pope knew the place and the apparitions in more details than many experts of his time. Another great little detail that was new to me: Medjugorje was called "a theatre of holiness" by the eminent German theologian Cardinal Hans Urs von Balthazar, a close personal friend of Benedict XVI. What a lovely and most fitting nickname!
Denis Nolan's excellent book "Medjugorje And The Church" has an even longer list of papal second-hand endorsements - as well as a handful of his hand-written letters to friends of his in Poland, leaving no doubt that he was convinced the apparitions are genuine.
Now, how has all this affected the anti-Medjugorje Catholics? It hasn't affected them at all. They started out doubting and denying the second-hand statements. When the amount of them grew to make that impossible, they took the freedom of saying "the Pope is old" (though his mind was clear until he died). When we got his hand-written letters, their reaction was one of keeping silent. All in accordance with the strategy summed up by one Medjugorje supporter as "What they cannot understand, they deny. And what they cannot deny, they keep silent about". John Paul II kept far from silent, and his statements remain a source of encouragement to all the rest of us, especially at times of fierce opposition. Enjoy! _________________"Through you I will triumph". - Source-Medjugorje Forum


The Vocation of Priest is an exalted one, and remains a great mystery

Fr. Edward Sousa Jr.
In his message of 12 Mar 2010, our Holy Father said "..."it is important clearly to bear in mind the theological specificity of ordained ministry, in order not to surrender to the temptation of reducing it to predominant cultural models. In the context of widespread secularization which progressively tends to exclude God from the public sphere and from shared social conscience, the priest often appears 'removed' from common sense." Yet, the Pope went on, "it is important to avoid a dangerous reductionism which, over the recent decades, has presented the priest almost as a 'social worker", with the risk of betraying the very Priesthood of Christ."

"It is particularly important that the call to participate in the one Priesthood of Christ in ordained ministry should flower from the charism of prophecy". There is great need for priests who speak of God to the world and who present to the world God; men not subject to ephemeral cultural fashions, but capable of authentically living the freedom that only the certainty of belonging to God can give. ...And the prophecy most necessary today is that of faithfulness" which "leads us to live our priesthood in complete adherence to Christ and the Church.

Priests, the Holy Father continued, "must be careful to distance themselves from predominant mentality which tends to associate the value of Ministry not with its being, but its function". Our "ontological association with God is the right framework in which to understand and reaffirm, also in our own time the value of celibacy........it is an expression of the gift of self to God and to others." "The vocation of priest is an exalted one, and remains a great mystery.....

The Holy Father concludes...."The men and women of our time ask us only to be priests to the full, nothing else. The lay faithful will be able to meet their human needs in many other people, but only in the priest will they find that Word of God which must always be on our lips, the Mercy of the Father abundantly and gratuitously distributed in the Sacrament of Penance, and the bread of new life"...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JL_JoKuOXtI.


Forgiveness by God's standards is impossible by human power. "To err is human, to forgive is divine."

Because we're not divine, we can't do it. However, Jesus is divine. He can forgive, and we can let it be done unto us according to His word (Lk 1:38). In Jesus, we can forgive everyone who has ever hurt us; we can be like the father of the prodigal son. We can forgive by God's standards. We can receive the miracle of forgiveness, go forth as ministers of reconciliation and transform an unforgiving and merciless world into the image and likeness of Christ.

Forgiving Father, in this Lent may I change from merely not hating my enemies into loving them.

"This means that if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old order has passed away; now all is new!" —2 Cor 5:17

Medjugorje-The Spiritual Heart of the World

It is no secret within Rome that John Paul II absolutely loved Medjugorje, once even acquiring the nickname “Protector of Medjugorje” within the Vatican. Even eminent American intellectuals were no strangers to this reality. The great Franciscan intellectual, Fr. Benedict J.Groeschel, himself an investigator of supernatural phenomena, once admitted about John Paul II in a revealing interview: “I can tell you for a fact that the pope loves Medjugorje from afar and would go there in a minute if the theologians would let him.”


Bishop Hegarty reports outstanding experiences in Medjugorje

By their fruits you shall know them.” Here the fruits are so manifest, so clear and impressive, both in Medjugorje itself and among those who return home after a pilgrimage, that they simply cannot be ignored.


Major move expected on Medjugorje front

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Major move expected on Medjugorje front...
Reported by Croatia media sources is the news that the Vatican has already arrived at a solution that recognises the importance of Medjugorje to the Church and that the tree bearing good fruit in abundance is to be protected.Currently the bishop of the Mostar-Duvno diocese is in Rome and on the table for discussion is the annexing of his diocese which will see the parish of Medjugorje come under a new bishop. Apparently a decision was reached some time ago and an announcement is expected before the 30th anniversary of the apparitions on June 25. However, this move will not be an endorsement of the claimed apparitions but a possible step forward to Medjugorje being granted international shrine status by the Holy See.
Posted by pilgrim at 4:10 PM http://www.crownofstars.blogspot.com/


Come, Pray the Rosary

My name is Jerry Muchmore and I am promoting saying the rosary on the internet. "Come Pray the Rosary " is a perpetual rosary that allows people to say the rosary together on the internet. You can join with others and say the rosary in progress, or start it individually by choosing the mystery you want to say. People from around the world are presently using this site. By clicking on the number of people praying and then the map, you can actually see the location of those you are praying with on a map. Please check out our WEB site at http://www.comepraytherosary.org/.

To reach people who use the internet, I am requesting religious WEB sites to link to our site. Please add our site to your catholic links.

God bless you for your help.

Jerry Muchmore


Fr. Joe Whalen, A LaSalette Missionary healing priest of Saint Raphael Healing Oil Ministry

Fr. Joe Whalen is the founder of Archangel St. Raphael Holy Healing Oil Ministry. He conducts many healing services and his healing ministry is international. He has spent his entire priesthood witnessing to Christ's healing presence.You can contact Fr. Whalen by mail at Saint James Church, 12 Franklin Street, Danielson Ct. 06239 or call 860-774-6553 or 802-343-0573 http://www.straphaeloil.com/


Medjugorje: Cross Mountain

Cross Mountain Today March 5

Cross Mountain, this morning in Medjugorje, March 5, 2010
A heavy fog surrounded the top of Cross Mountain, this morning in Medjugorje, March 5, 2010, placing a veil over the Cross. Even though the Cross is hidden from view, we know it is still there. In our world today, many want to keep the Cross hidden, ignore its existence; forget the reality of its presence and what it represents. People don’t want to hear about the Cross or about Jesus. As Our Lady said:
July 30, 1987

"…Children, darkness reigns over the whole world. People are attracted by many things and they forget about the more important. "Light won’t reign in the world until people accept Jesus, until they live His words, which is the Word of the Gospel.
"Dear children, this is the reason for my presence among you for such a long time: to lead you on the path of Jesus. I want to save you and, through you, to save the whole world. Many people now live without faith; some don’t even want to hear about Jesus, but they still want peace and satisfaction! Children, here is the reason why I need your prayer: prayer is the only way to save the human race."

There is no salvation without Jesus, and there is no salvation without the Cross. People can ignore it, mock it, pretend it doesn’t exist, keep it behind a veil so they don’t have to remember it—but the Cross is still there. satan can create such a fog as to make people forget the Cross, but it is still there. satan cannot make the Cross go away. Those who climbed Cross Mountain today, upon reaching the top, could easily see the Cross, despite the fog. In fact, the closer one gets to the Cross, the more visible it becomes. Don’t be afraid of the Cross. It is the sign of our salvation and the only path to freedom. Rather, be afraid that the reality of the Cross is being forgotten in our world where darkness reigns.
Our Lady began the above message with these words…
"Dear children, today I invite you in a special way to pray for the plans of God to be fulfilled: first of all with you, then with this parish which God Himself has chosen. Dear children, to be chosen by God is really something great, but it is also a responsibility for you to pray more, for you, the chosen ones, to encourage others so you can be a light for people in darkness…”
The Cross may be temporarily out of view, but it is still there, and Our Lady has come to bring it out into the Light. She is asking for our help. Be a light for people in darkness. Lead them to the Cross.....http://www.medjugorje.com/


Blessing and Healing

Our very good Medjugorje friend Penny T. has had several strokes in the last year and the doctors took a MRI of her brain. Her doctors told her she has extensive damage to her brain from the strokes and she should not be walking or talking because of this.

But Penny is walking and talking and getting around and even driving herself to Mass every day and living a normal life.

She is even planning of making a pilgramage back to Medjugorje with her brother in the future.
I spoke to her yesterday by phone and she is doing very well.

"Her Doctors have no explanation for this." But we know what it is, don't we. - by Ed

Revelation from Saint Faustina


While I was saying the chaplet, I heard a voice which said, Oh, what great graces I will grant to souls who say this chaplet; the very depths of My tender mercy are stirred for the sake of those who say the chaplet. Write down these words, My daughter. Speak to the world about My mercy; let all mankind recognize My unfathomable mercy. It is a sign for the end times; after it will come the day of justice. While there is still time, let them have recourse to the fount of My mercy; let them profit from the Blood and Water which gushed forth for them.

O human souls, where are you going to hide on the day of God's anger: Take refuge now in the fount of God's mercy. O what a great multitude of souls I see! They worshiped the Divine Mercy and will be singing the hymn of praise for all eternity.
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, 848


When God comes among men, He does not come to joke but to say serious things.

Mirjana’s face is very intense, completely absorbed in what is taking place in the apparition. No one who studies the face of Mirjana as She receives Our Lady’s latest message can take lightly these words, or receive them only with curiosity.
*It brings to mind the message Our Lady gave in 1983, “…When God comes among men, He does not come to joke but to say serious things.”

Medjugorje: Our Lady's message to Mirjana

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Dear children, In this special time of your effort to be all the closer to my Son, to his suffering, but also to the love with which he bore it, I desire to tell you that I am with you. I will help you to triumph over errors and temptations with my grace. I will teach you love, love which wipes away all sins and makes you perfect, love which gives you the peace of my Son now and forever. Peace with you and in you, because I am the Queen of Peace. Thank you. Medjugorje message, March 2, 2010



Pope John Paul and the Brown Scapular

This is an amazing part of the story of Pope John Paul the Great: As everyone knows, His Holiness John Paul II was shot in Saint Peter's Square on 13 May, 1981 - the anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima. Just before doctors were about to begin surgery in order to remove the embedded bullet, the Holy Father regained consciousness and instructed the doctors "do not remove my scapular" during the operation. John Paul II was, after all, Totus Tuus in his devotion to the Mother of God. Beautiful story. If you don't wear the Scapular, why not be enrolled this Lent? Hat tip to the Canterbury Tales on this one!
Posted by Padre Steve at 5:28 PM
*by Esther, I know just about every Catholic blog is or has posted this story of John Paul II's instructions to the medical personal, after he was shot and was waiting surgery.I am sharing it with you because it reminded me that when my father was dying, my mother gave the doctors and nurses repeated instructions to not remove my father's brown scapular, no matter what. My father died with his scapular on. It is almost a year since I shared the story of my father's happy death. He was not what one would consider to be a devout Catholic because he did not attend Mass nor did he go to confession in a long time. His dying with the Brown Scapular along with the anointing of the sick gave my mother and his children, the reassurance we needed and prayed for over the years, that our beloved husband and father would one day be in Heaven through the infinitely divine mercy of God.
I shared the story of Pope John Paul II's instructions of not having his brown scapular removed, with my husband and mother yesterday. My husband told me that his dying father, who died two months after my own father, thanked the medical personal for letting him keep his Brown Scapular on. Unlike my own dear father, my father in law, was a devout Catholic. Yet, my husband too was very comforted knowing his father died with his Brown Scapular on.H/T to Padre Steve
*Posted by Esther G. Posted 2:22 PM http://hicatholicmom.blogspot.com/